Art Posts

Poetry Motel’s Don’t Know Shit

Patrick McKinnon’s Poetry Motel released Don’t Know Shit on Bandcamp the other day.

Perfect Duluth Sound

The “Lake Superior ice sheets breaking at Brighton Beach” post reminded me how much I want some clean recordings of the amazing things the lake does with its ice.  Does anyone in our PDD community have some field recording gear (418, 702 or the like)?  And would this person be willing to head out on a sound hunt for these phenomena?  We could barter some of my recordings or work something out.  That crazy ice stuff just doesn’t happen in Seattle.  I was back in Duluth in December with gear, but the conditions weren’t right.  Here’s hoping…

Merch Madness

Kate and I walked downtown for Merch Madness and we found some friendly shopkeepers, some great deals, and some yummy food.

Magic Smelt Workshops

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The smelt are coming!

The Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe is pleased to announce the opening of our 2013 Smelt Run Puppet Parade workshop, at 134 W. 1st St, between Pineapple Arts and Bella Flora!

Everyone in the arts was out last night

There were openings at Ochre Ghost, Washington Gallery, and Prøve. I spent the night at Prøve listening to Snöbarn.  

Local artist is IFP new media finalist

Catherine Meier, new media artist and local filmmaker, is a finalist for the Independent Filmmaker Project New Media Project Grant. Only one of these is awarded for the whole state. 

4x photo submission deadline extended

The 4x (meaning “4 by” as in 4×6 print, or 4×26 print) exhibit at the Duluth Photography Institute has extended the deadline for its call for submissions until Monday, March 4. This exhibit is open to everyone. Just attach your 4xsomething print to a stiff backing, put your name and contact info on the back, and drop it off or mail it to the DPI. We are accepting drop-offs on Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m., and Monday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more important details, please see the “Events” page of the DPI website or call Brian at 218.393.2468.

Duluth Art Institute seeking volunteers

If you love art and want to get involved in your community, why not become a Duluth Art Institute volunteer? The DAI is currently seeking individuals to assist in its galleries and to help out with its docent program. Visit the website to learn how you can help out.

Claire Stewart – “Duluth, My Home Town”

A nifty animation by Dave and Jean Kirwan set to a 1961 jingle about our fair city. This took first place in the 2013 Playground Short Shorts Film Festival this weekend.

An official Magic Smelt transmission

Last week, Neptune was spotted by a PDD contributor making various proclomations. If you were wondering what was up, it’s this video. The Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to put on free workshops for people to build puppets, masks and costumes for the Smelt Parade on April 21st.

Here’s the Kickstarter link.

The Kidnappers Foil: 1938 Duluth Footage

Starting in the 1930s, Melton Barker traveled across the United States filming The Kidnappers Foil for the next 40 years. No, he did not take this long to film one movie, instead he filmed the same movie in every town that he visited, perhaps hundreds of times. I’m not sure if this was part of a “home movie” business plan, or if he was ripping people off with promises of fame, but nonetheless, it’s now part of movie history.

In 1938, he stopped by Duluth to film, and though the main film is missing, there are two scenes featuring Duluthians. Maybe you have a famous grandparent and never knew it?

David Bowen exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Duluth mixed-media artist and associate professor at UMD David Bowen has his “Underwater 2013” exhibit on display at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

Sea creature proclaims smelt cometh

I saw a commercial being made for the upcoming Smelt Festival while walking in Canal Park today. The sea creature character was booming out a pretty funny pronouncement from the Smelt Queen promising puppetry, puppet making and smelt-y fun in exchange for funding.

It’s stuff like this that makes me love this town.

Seeking: Homegrown Photos

The Homegrown Music Festival is seeking photos from the 2012 festival for use in the Field Guide. Large, print quality photos, please – most camera phone photos are not going to cut it.

Please send photos / more information / mailing address for discs: transistormag [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thank you, fans!

Kickstarter campaign to fund Snobarn’s debut album

For the past 56 days of their Kickstarter fundraising campaign, members of the local band Snobarn have been working their tails off. They’ve been playing live sets (upward of a dozen during the past two months), doing interviews on radio and TV, and madly promoting their cause via social media. Now, more than ever, time is of the essence. Their online fundraising window on Kickstarter will finally close late Sunday night (or very early Monday morning), Feb. 4, at precisely 2:35 a.m.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!