Chaperone Records Posts

Duluth record labels boosted the scene, but are going extinct

Compact discs and cassettes of releases from Duluth record labels fill a plastic bin at the Perfect Duluth Day headquarters. (Photo by Paul Lundgren)

Mark Lindquist, the chief purveyor of local albums at the turn of the millennium, thinks he can succinctly describe the difference between the best-known Duluth record labels.

“Chair Kickers’ put out the most gorgeous records,” he said. “Spinout had the most professional. Chaperone had the coolest. And Shaky Ray had … the most.”

Perfect Album of 2014: Red Mountain’s Scowl Lightly

PDDPerfectAlbumAwardLogo2014It was actually a late-2013 release, but Red Mountain’s debut album Scowl Lightly captured the most attention in 2014 among voters in Perfect Duluth Day’s poll to name the top local album of the year. Issued on vinyl and compact disc by Duluth’s Chaperone Records, Scowl Lightly brought band leader Anton Jimenez-Kloeckl’s evolving musical project out of the shadows of the weirdo-experimental scene to top billing at local festivals — with enough performance antics to proudly retain the weirdo label. In a review for the independent music website Wordkrapht, Ellen Vaagen writes that Scowl Lightly is “a baroque pop gem spattered with claps, bells, trumpet, and saxophone floating on a clear stream of fancy-free fun” and the band’s live performances “are a fantasia of dancing, face paint, feathers, masks, and flamboyant sequin costumes that encourage crowds to let their freak flags fly.”

Members of Red Mountain accept the PDD Award for Perfect Album of 2014 at the Red Herring Lounge. (Photo by Steve Ash)

Members of Red Mountain accept the PDD Award for Perfect Album of 2014 at the Red Herring Lounge. (Photo by Steve Ash)

Red Mountain 2013 band photo Red Mountain - Scowl Lightly LP cover Anton Jimenez-Kloeckl 2014

Punk show at the Flotsam Lounge

In the unmarked Flotsam building in downtown Duluth, punk-show goers treaded lightly on the pilewood flooring as they ventured down the decrepit steps and into the basement of this rock den. Now this, was a punk venue. The dimly lit corner of the room had just enough space for the essential gear of the bands and oozed the perfect ambiance as shadows of fans flickered across the brick walls. Here are some photographs from Friday night featuring Red Mountain (Duluth), the Ancient Gods (Houston, Texas) and Dead Dog (Athens, Georgia)

*sorry for the noise*

Photographs by: Alex Leone

Breaking News: Hobo Nephews team up with Chaperone Records

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Bob Monohan shows his cards

Bob Monohan does the art scene.

I had a fun interview with Bob Monohan of Chaperone Records, which I posted this morning at Ennyman’s Territory.

Kickstarter campaign to fund Snobarn’s debut album

For the past 56 days of their Kickstarter fundraising campaign, members of the local band Snobarn have been working their tails off. They’ve been playing live sets (upward of a dozen during the past two months), doing interviews on radio and TV, and madly promoting their cause via social media. Now, more than ever, time is of the essence. Their online fundraising window on Kickstarter will finally close late Sunday night (or very early Monday morning), Feb. 4, at precisely 2:35 a.m.

Lion or Gazelle – “I Might Love You”

I recently printed the new Lion or Gazelle album jackets and put together an animated loop set to the title track for everyone. I also wanted to encourage everyone to attend the Chaperone Records Inaugural Bash/Record Release Party at the Zeitgeist Arts Cafe Friday, Aug. 10, at 7 p.m. In addition to seeing Lion or Gazelle perform live will be a number of other great local musicians. Join us for a bit of fun! More info on Facebook

Chaperone Records … unveiled!

Chaperone Records is Duluth’s newest, true-bluest, local-centric record label!

Founded in May of 2012, Chaperone Records is devoted to the promotion and enfranchisement of northern Minnesota’s musically progressive community. In a world of cheap, plastic gadgetry, a product’s finest aesthetic can only be achieved through passion, insight and an honest commitment to quality. This is the foundation of Chaperone Records’ philosophy and the impetus behind its inception.