doubledutch Posts

Birth & Baby Fair Thursday

It’s free and fun! Prizes, lots of good info, and a good way to meet other families.

Thursday 10/14, 6-8:30pm
Peace Church (11th St. & 11th Ave. E.)

The latest Brian Ring project

Pearl Harbor (aging hipster dance party)
Wednesday nights in May at Carmody

Stuff I like

I like Duluth spring.

Sure, we’re wearing sweaters and jackets and scarves, but the ice is breaking up on the creeks, bugs are flying, birds are singing, trees are sticky with sap, mud is muddy, little blades of grass are poking up through the moss, imaginary fish are biting, and the “fuzzy willows” as my boys call them, are, well, fuzzy.

Rudy Carlson art opening tonight


Rudy Carlson’s show opens tonight at the Carnegie Center for Visual Arts (ye olde library, Second Street and First Avenue West), 5-8 p.m.  Rudy’s sense of humor is the connecting thread across the wide range of his work, from intimate portraits to absurd political sculpture. The Duluth-based artist is also a teacher in a Duluth Heights one-room schoolhouse and father to three smokin’ hot ladies.

(Photo swiped from

Perfect Duluth Plaid Friday?


So I guess there’s a Plaid Friday thing in San Francisco to encourage shopping locally rather than in the big box stores on the evil Black Friday. I’m not much of a Christmas shopper myself, and don’t even plan to leave the house Friday, but I suppose most people are.

Quick Question

How much do you love the guy at Taco Bell with the fake British accent / Thurston Howell III voice?

Birth & baby fair – tonight!


This is a free event with more than 30 booths covering everything from family planning through pregnancy, birth and babies.  Discussions on baby-wearing, diapering and informed birth choices, and drawings for awesome prizes.

Happy Duluthiversary to Me


Me + Duluth = true love

This is everywhere I’ve lived in Duluth for the past 10 years.

This PDD brought to you by the brothers Ring


My boys are fascinated with this discovery they made last night at Brighton Beach.  Our bedtime talk was filled with the possibilities of the other worlds that just might lie at the other end of a tunnel. 

way too exciting

Do you have a favorite culvert in Duluth?  I think we have more exploring to do.

Found . . .

If you’re missing the roof (and attic, I suppose) of your big white wooden bird house, it washed up on the shore of Connor’s Point.  According to Google, the coordinates are 46.744684,-92.093196, but don’t hold me to that.


For Paul


I’ve got a 2-year-old with tweezers. He would be happy to pull any and all ticks from you, as soon as he finishes with his puppy.

do you like to break stuff?

about six months ago, i backed into my concrete porch steps. luckily, that part of my car was already crapped up. unluckily, the steps (which cracked, at the time) have finally collapsed, sort of. i mean, one stair caved in. i need someone to come and break up the rest of it. if you have a sledgehammer and some pent-up rage, this is your project.

safety glasses provided. 341-8369.