The Will and the Way

Judy Gibbs introduced me to The Will and the Way series of books about the creation of a number of Duluth institutions.

Volume 1 was published in 2004. Volume 2, published in 2018 is available at

Is there a background on how these volumes were created? It feels like the kind of thing that should be available online, someday, with proper copyright clearances, of course.


Paul Lundgren

about 9 months ago

A very basic background on the book can be found in the opening paragraph of a Duluth News Tribune opinion piece from 2014 written by the book's co-publisher, Donn Larson:

When Duluth business leader Monnie Goldfine and I published “The Will and the Way” in 2004, our idea was simply to acknowledge our community’s achievements after losing the steel plant and other key elements of our manufacturing economy like Diamond Calk, Klearflax, Coolerator and Clyde Iron. In his introduction to the book, Harold Frederick, once Duluth’s city attorney, wrote that its purpose “is not to provide a forum to brag about what occurred, but rather to serve as a navigational aid to the generation that is following.”

Matthew James

about 9 months ago

The acknowledgments page also has some more specific information about how it was funded and produced. I do remember enjoying reading it but my bookmark says that I stopped midway through Chapter 16, so thanks for the reminder to pick it back up.


about 9 months ago

I tried ordering via but I get an error. Any clues on where to get a copy?

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