Press releases supporting Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan

The Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan is pleased about the following press releases from the Building Trades and Essential Health:


MN Trades and Building Council Endorses Plan to Build 12 Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan

[Duluth, MN] – The Minnesota Trades and Building Council (MTBC) is proud to announce its full support for the construction of 12 giant colossal statues of Bob Dylan.

The MTBC believes that this project will bring significant economic benefits to the local community, and we look forward to working with the Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan to make this project a reality.

According to an economic impact study conducted by the Duluth Economic Development Authority, the construction of these statues is estimated to bring in more than a hundred thousand million dollars to the local economy over the next decade. This includes job creation, increased tourism, and additional tax revenues for the city.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that the environmental impact statement for this project has been waived by the courts due to the assurances provided by the Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan. We believe that the construction of these statues will have minimal impact on the environment and will be a great addition to the city’s cultural and artistic landscape.

The MTBC recognizes the importance of preserving and promoting the legacy of Bob Dylan, one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. We believe that the construction of these statues will not only honor his contributions to music and art but will also provide a significant boost to the local economy. We urge the community and local leaders to support this project and help make Duluth a destination for tourists and music fans from around the world.

For more information about the project, please contact the Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan.


Essential Health’s Executive Council Supports Plan to Build 12 Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan in Duluth, MN

DULUTH, MN – The Executive Council of Essential Health is proud to announce its support for the Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan. The proposed plan calls for the construction of 12 giant colossal statues of Bob Dylan in and around the city. What the Executive Council has found is that the project will boost local mental health and reduce healthcare costs.

According to an in-house meta-study, the presence of giant colossal statues has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. The study, which used methods associated with western psychogeography and eastern feng shui, found that the relationships between objects play a crucial role in mental well-being. The oblique angles and mythopoesis associated with giant colossal statuary were found to be equally beneficial.

The Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan has our full support. We believe that this project will not only enhance the beauty of Duluth but also promote mental wellness and bend the healthcare cost curve.

The Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan has been working tirelessly to bring this project to fruition, and Essential Health is honored to be a part of it.

About Essential Health

Essential Health is an integrated health system serving patients in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Idaho. It is guided by the values of quality, hospitality, respect, justice, stewardship, and teamwork.

UPDATES: 1.) Committee for Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan homepage 2.) 100 Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan, Duluth region (Google Map) 

More here.


[email protected]

about 1 year ago

I encourage PerfectDuluthDay to take down this post which is admittedly a hoax and not a true story.  Disseminating disinformation is not something that PDD should be participating in.

Jim Richardson aka Lake Superior Aquaman has posted the following on his Facebook page: "I am responsible for this visionary hoax which I secretly hope happens."

This type of disinformation is an embarrassment to Duluth and all who care about Duluth. There are many folks working hard in Duluth and Hibbing to create appropriate lasting tributes to the creativity of Bob Dylan. 

Unfortunately, this story is now spreading across the social media world -- and for this Duluth native -- creates less than a Perfect Duluth Day image for our beloved city.

I encourage PDD to focus on disseminating information about the Duluth Dylan Fest and the Historic Duluth Armory restoration effort -- both very positive activities which will foster future Perfect Duluth Days!

Jim Richardson (aka Lake Superior Aquaman)

about 1 year ago

@[email protected]: The Committee for Building Giant Colossal Statues of Bob Dylan is sorry we wrecked your non-visionary Dylan activities. We were unaware PDD had stopped disseminating information about Duluth Dylan Fest and the Armory restoration. The post has been updated with a "hoaxes" tag which should cause people to read more carefully haha it won't, which is so interesting. Is it still disinformation if it is a comment on disinformation? Our activities are well known here. But it is appreciated that you brought the receipts from my sneaky public Facebook page. What is it with people trying to "bust" me with public info I post myself?

"This type of disinformation is an embarrassment to Duluth and all who care about Duluth" Such demonstrably false hair-on-fire hyperbole does not belong in a blog comment that purports to take itself very seriously about truth and what Duluthians really want. Because it looks like they want giant colossal statues.

Let the record show that we truly believe in our hearts that Duluth should build giant colossal statues of Bob Dylan, which makes this a quasi-hoax. Is it a hoax if it is actually serious? There is NO other Duluthian we can even CONCEIVE of who could POSSIBLY deserve such an honor. Pointing that out in a spirit of love and play does our city a great service. Does not the shadow of Bob Dylan already fall across our fair city, every second of every hour? We do not regret pointing out this truth in symbolic fashion with a wink and a nudge. 

The Committee regrets that the idea of giant colossal statues of Bob Dylan has taken off in the imaginations of so many, and brought such joy and laughter to our community. One also regrets that it has flushed out so many Dylan haters into the open. There's your problem right there. May we suggest being more visionary. Dylan didn't do anything in half-measures, you shouldn't either. Wasn't he also told to straighten up and get serious? Can you imagine what that must have felt like for him, to be pursued his whole career by nagging squares complaining about his every move? And yet he did precisely what he wanted anyway, perhaps even in reaction TO the squares. But any serious Dylan fan knows this.

We accept your job offer to consult with your organization on its messaging and media campaigns. Working together we can overcome the hardened resistance found in the cadre of Dylan-hating sons-of-bitches we have driven into the light. May they think twice before they engage seriously with a satirist.

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