Saturday Essay: Select Gems from 2022

Saturday Essay logo genericWe stand on the precipice of a magnificent achievement in the category of literary endurance. Next week Perfect Duluth Day will launch the eighth year of its “Saturday Essay” series by publishing the 300th essay. Did we think when we launched with the first essay in 2016 it would last this long? Of course we did. We like to write; you like to read. Duh.

At the end of each year we briefly rest our typing devices and look back at some of the highlights of the previous year. Last week we focused on the most read essays of 2022. This week we ignore the numbers and look back at a few select essays of similar quality that might have been missed by non-compulsive followers.

Of the 299 essays published so far, 45 different writers have been featured. We’re always looking to expand that roster, so anyone who has an original piece of literary excellence that seems to fit (or appropriately defy) the established format should email paul @ for consideration.

And now, links to a few select gems from season six …

Jocelyn Pihlaja’s “Titties”
… in which a jolly Mom Lady stumbles into Arby’s after closing time and surprisingly enjoys titty songs.

Chris Godsey’s “A Saturday Night in Winter 1987
… in which the author tries to be good at partying.

Karl Schuettler’s “A Duluth Area Cross-Country Skiing Decision Tree
… in which the most important question of the day is carefully analyzed.

Emerson Sloane’s “Safe Passage
… in which the author asks: “If I blend in to cis culture, does that make me less trans?”

Anna Tennis’ “Chaotic Good
… in which the 17-year-old version of the author is at a crossroads.

So there are the goods. Read or re-read and enjoy. Season seven of the Saturday Essay series starts Jan. 8 with #300.

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