Mystery Photo #117: Fourth of July Parade in West Duluth

The written caption tells us pretty much everything we need to know, except for one critical thing: What year was this?

Below are a few touched-up zoom-ins in case it helps.



about 4 years ago

Minnesota Reflections has 10 photos from the 1924 West Duluth Fourth of July parade, and the cars seem interchangeable with those seen in the Mystery Photo.

One of those 10 photos is a closer view of the gas station at the center of the Mystery Photo.

Many of the small details, such as the lampposts and business signs, match the Mystery Photo, but the Mystery Photo has some extra elements, such as an ad for a mortgage company on the side of the brick building and a sign post for the gas station along the street. So a first attempt at an answer would be... not 1924, but probably within a few years after?

Paul Lundgren

about 4 years ago

Mike Michaels mentioned on Facebook that the Standard Oil station first advertised in late July of 1918, and by 1929, it was no longer listed as a Standard station. So he suggests between 1918 and 1928.

But I've definitely seen more recent photos of that station bearing Standard signs.

Another Facebook comment by David Coleman mentions there are a lot of Model Ts in our mystery photo, but not from 1926 or '27, so he guesses about 1924.

So our best bet at this point might be 1925.


about 4 years ago

Victory Market seems like WW1 thing.

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