Burger blogger takes northland burger tour

burgerradioI joined Burger Radio‘s visit to Big Daddy’s Burgers in Duluth as part of the podcast’s Northland Burger Tour. Tastefully astute, yet by no means snobbish, Bruce’s latest installment describes his burger dining experiences at Gordy’s Hi-Hat, the Anchor Bar and Big Daddy’s Burgers. Bruce covers the Minneapolis-St. Paul burger scene but enjoys tasting and reviewing burgers nationwide.

Personally, I left Big Daddy’s unimpressed. My cream cheese and jalapeño burger came with a massive block of cream cheese on top. Instead of balancing the jalapeño heat, it outpaced it. Additionally, the burger’s beef was very dense. Bruce suggested the beef may have been too lean or cooked on too hot a grill. I appreciated his expertise in the field. The fries tasted bland despite their appealing color. As for the atmosphere, it’s clear that Big Daddy’s is not out to woo customers with decor or ambiance. I’d call it Mom and Pop Diner Minimalism. Homespun tapestries hung on the walls. Faded photos of eating challenge participants plastered the entryway. I can embrace the run-down appearance of a burger joint if I am wowed by the food. Unfortunately, the whole ensemble just felt tired out.

For more beef-and-cheese-based pontificating, check out Bruce’s Burger Blog. Recent posts touch on everything from Bruce’s burger philosophy to pickle juice concerns. He also coins “burger anxiety,” a word in consideration for the OED, I have no doubt.

I recommended Burger Radio check out the Breeze Inn, Dubh Linn and OMC Smokehouse for burgers the next time it is in Duluth.  If you have further suggestions, let Bruce and Kelsey know or just say something in the good ol’ comments. Where’s the best burger in Duluth?

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