July 2015 Posts

2016 Homegrown Steering Committee Openings

Homegrown Steering Committee Openings

Summer of ’65: Introduction

DNT August 1965

A while back, Harbor City International School Mathematics Teacher Jenny Ahern passed along to me a bound edition of Duluth News Tribune’s from August of 1965. Somehow the book made its way to the school, and the school didn’t have a practical use for it. Since we are now 50 years removed from the ol’ “Summer of ’65,” I’ll be posting some clips each day for the next month. Prepare for nostalgia.

Lost iPhone in Downtown Duluth

I lost an iPhone on First Street Wednesday evening, July 29, following the Superior Siren / Devil’s Flying Machine show at the Red Herring. It has a gray “encase” case.

If found, please email me at grindcadence at gmail dot com. A $50 reward awaits. Thank you.

A Boat Ride on the Lake

Selective Focus: Anniversaries

Kip Praslowicz

Kip Praslowicz, “Crowd. 4th of July Parade. Superior, WI”

This was a tough theme, and it’s gratifying to see how each of you broadened it: Richard’s 50th Anniversary of the Wright gas station in Cloquet and the 25th Beargrease, Kip’s shots from the 4th of July, or Kyle celebrating a month of Jane’s being cancer free. I went conventional, with my folks’ belated anniversary honeymoon. We mark time in many ways.

Where in Duluth?

birdcages 20150720_190809

Hint: There are actual living birds in the photos, they’re just hard to see.

Two Young Fawns in the Backyard Last Night


I just saw these two gems with their mom a week ago, but she is nowhere to be seen now, unfortunately. Possibly hit by a car. These kids seem old enough to fend for themselves, and I hope they do well.

Custom Cheetos Speedboat


Is Custom Cab Co. in Duluth bringing their service to the lake with this tricked out Cheetos boat or is it secretly filled with an infinite amount of Cheetos?

Hooks Dauss of the Duluth White Sox

George Dauss baseball card George Dauss baseball card backside

George August “Hooks” Dauss pitched in the Major Leagues for the Detroit Tigers for 15 seasons following his stint with the Duluth White Sox. There are numerous images of him on the Internet in a Tigers uniform, but Duluth images are seemingly nonexistent. The baseball card above is a bit of a deception, because the “D” on the cap is for “Detroit.” The card is a “Corona Centennial reprint,” although the word “reprint” implies there was an original card like this 100 years ago, which wouldn’t seem to be the case. Anyway, as shown below, the image on the card is of Dauss as a Tiger.

Mesaba, Missabe or Mesabi? What’s correct?

This is a perfect question for all you PDDers. Is Mesaba spelled Mesaba, Missabe or Mesabi? Was the street named after the area of Northern Minnesota? The two are spelled different. What was the building named after? It has a third spelling. I’ve lived here 25 years and am still trying to figure this out. Help!

Video Archive: Saucetown

Video by Barrett Chase from a rainy evening cruise to Twin Ports Brewing Company (now Thirsty Pagan Brewing) circa 2005.

This Week: trains, plays and automobiles

Untitled design
Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

The Chamber Golf Classic is teeing off bright and early on Monday morning, the Duluth Huskies are in the final games of their regular season, there’s dancing on the Lakewalk, the Great Lakes Aquarium is celebrating its sweet fifteen, the Kidney Walk is taking place and puppets will talk dirty at the Underground.

Kids can play musical instruments at the Library, it’s a board-game avalanche at Studio 15, the Howling Moon festival goes pop-country (yee-hawoooo!), Movies in the Park is showing the Pixar film Cars, Thomas the Tank Engine is rolling into town, the 29th Brewhouse Triathlon is being held at Island Lake Park and the Scenic Train on the St. Louis River is chugging right along.

Sunflower Drone Flyover

Shot somewhere on a road less traveled in West Central Minnesota.

Postcards from the Arrowhead Bridge

New Arrowhead Bridge 1927b

Arrowhead Bridge in the 1940s

The Arrowhead Bridge connected West Duluth to Superior’s Billing’s Park neighborhood across the St. Louis River for 57 years. Built by the Arrowhead Bridge Co., it opened on March 15, 1927. The company charged a toll to cross the bridge until 1963, when Minnesota and Wisconsin state officials paid $200,000 to make it a toll-free public bridge.

The Arrowhead Bridge was dismantled in 1985 after the opening of the Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge.

Lost: Orange Cat in East Hillside

Lost July 21:
Orange/”champagne” Tabby
Female, adult, 10 lbs. (pudgy)
Spayed, micro-chipped
Very timid and skittish around strangers and in unfamiliar places
Sweet, friendly, vocal

She wandered away Tuesday night or Wednesday morning and we haven’t seen her since. It is unlike her to go far from home. She would have been seen near Fourth Street and Eighth Avenue East or in the alley behind.

If seen or found please call 952-807-3882. She is very loved and greatly missed.