Duluth Primary 2013 Final Arguments

In one of the most off, off, off election years of recent memory we can really focus our grey matter on pretty much hyper-local politics. In a year like this we get a little more mainstream media coverage of the smaller races, but even still, there are a few candidates who I haven’t met or really heard much about. I’d hate to base my decisions on who to vote for in the primary on who has the most yard signs out, or worse, how I feel about the people who have the yard signs in their yards. So, PDD …

"I Voted" photo, shamelessly cribbed from Tim Kaiser's FB Page

"I Voted" photo, shamelessly cribbed from Tim Kaiser's FB Page

So I am asking, who are you voting for this Primary Day and why?

In the interest of moderation and well-reasoned discussion maybe try to support your feelings and instincts with actual, you know, facts and evidence. Bonus points for spouting your own opinions and not those that have been fed to you by interest groups or ideologues. I haven’t voted yet, and I’ll be reading through the comments before I do, so here is your chance to sway my decision. Polls close at 8 pm. I live in the Duluth Hillside but you can talk about any Duluth-ish race, because, you never know, maybe you can sway someone else’s vote, too.



about 11 years ago

OK... I'll bite.

City Council:
 I voted for Zack Filipovich b/c he has been out there busting his ass trying to pick up votes and he is young guy with progressive views who also understands budgets and numbers. He's an accountant. And I voted for Barb Russ b/c she's smart, says what's on her mind, and doesn't take shit from anyone. And she's my neighbor and you should all have such a neighbor. Just saying.

School board:
I met Annie Harala last week. I like her, she's smart, young, and not so obsessed with how the Red Plan played out that that is all she talks about -- unlike other candidates. I want positive and smart people on the school board who know how to play well with others. And Henry Banks knows his shit, what a good candidate he is. He's quite passionate about the schools and about keeping people in schools. We need his voice. He has a big heart and I am actually thrilled that he is running. He's a good person.

I can't vote for Rosie Loeffler-Kemp, but i've known her for almost 20 years and she is smart, an activist, and has always been very involved in the schools. She has 4 kids who have gone through/are going through the Duluth public schools, so she has a dog in this fight. And the teachers I know all love her. Good enough for me.

Just make sure you vote before 8 pm. The turnout is stinking low.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Perhaps I can help you in the at-large city council race by showing how each councilor would respond to a generic problem.

Zack Flipovich: "That generic problem is a difficult issue that I believe needs a long-term plan."

Barbara Russ: "I know a lot about this generic issue and will do everything I can to solve it."

Ray Sandman: "I will listen to what my constituents have to say about this generic problem."

Ryan Stauber: "I am dedicated to solving this generic problem and will approach it with an open mind and a spirit of cooperation."

Ray Whitledge: "This generic problem wouldn't exist if government would stay out of the way."


about 11 years ago

In 25 years of voting, I have not noticed that my votes have changed anything to my liking in any appreciable way. Even if the person I support wins, as soon as they get into office, they...change. It's almost a law of nature.

Referendums are a different story, which is why I like them. If your side gets more votes on an issue, you win; if not, you lose. There's no ambiguity. The numbers don't change when the tourism industry yells at them.


about 11 years ago

If everything was a referendum, women wouldn't be voting and Jim Crow would be the norm. But what about the Marriage Amendment, you say? We never would have made it to the point where we could talk about it (let alone vote on it) without the years of incremental advances through all methods of governance -- voting for representatives who pass laws and referenda that changed our laws.


about 11 years ago

I'm not saying that all of history should have been determined by referenda. I'm just saying I like them better than voting for people, because people, after being elected, tend to change in ways I disapprove of.

JP Rennquist

about 11 years ago

I spent several years in my 20s where I didn't vote. Not exactly apathy but an intentional abstention. Non-voters are actually voting to give someone else their electoral power. Voter suppression is a related issue because when people don't vote it gives disproportionate electoral power to those that do. Around the time that Jesse Ventura was elected governor I decided I was going to take back that right. 

Near as I can tell my primary vote today was worth hundreds of abstentions from my fellow precinct-members. 

I agree with you more or less, John, I just vote anyway.


about 11 years ago

I vote for the sticker, but I would prefer a nice hot plate of buttered linguine.

Little Pirate

about 11 years ago

I overheard a girl today saying that her mom took her to vote with her and that they just voted for people with funny names.

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