Homegrown Rawk and/or Roll: Jerree Small’s Mix

It’s the biggest bonanza of free local music downloads … evah! The new compilation from the Homegrown Music Festival featuring tracks selected by Miss Jerree Small is available now on Bandcamp, and when you follow that little link you’ll see all the previous Homegrown compilations are available as well. The option to pay a little something is there if you are loaded and want to support the festival; you must “name your price,” and $0.00 is completely acceptable. You are welcome. Thank you, fans!



about 11 years ago

It's the biggest extravaganza evah!  You're crazy for selling them cars so cheap.  It's a bonanza!  A free-for-all.  I paid $2 per album which proves how much of a cheapskate I am, but at least I will hear them, and pay to watch the shows with pleasure, and probably even buy CDs or albums after.  Thank you for offering these samplers...


about 11 years ago

Inquiring minds want to know:  will there ever be a Lundgren, Chase et al mix?  Or a PDD mix?
There will never be an Emmadogs mix as:  I stopped listening to 'new' music circa White Stripes; I am in my jammies by 8 p.m. and so never hear live local music.


about 11 years ago

Also, does Miss Jerree Small really look like Tina Fey?

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Starfire's Mix is probably as close as you will ever get to a PDD mix, but when I have 20 free minutes I might make a list of my favorite tracks that haven't landed on other mixes yet, because that seems like it would be fun to do. Perhaps ol' Barrett Chase will do the same or we will collaborate on it. And anyone else who wants to throw down his or her playlist might as well do the same.


about 11 years ago

Please do!  Seriously, I really am very, very ignorant of local music apart from band names, so it is really fun for me to hear these mixes.  Also, they're fun to give to friends leaving the area, as we did with the Mayor's Mix for our friends Ray and JAne when they moved to the EAst Coast (hi Ray and Jane if you're still reading PDD--now you know the mystery identity of Emmadogs!!!)

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Oh, and Tina Fey and Jerree Small look exactly this similar:


It's mostly the glasses.


about 11 years ago

If you want a taste of the gamut of local music check out Homegrown radio on TuneIn radio:


Also look in the "Local" section of the TuneIn Radio smartphone app.

Or head over to www.shoutcast.com and search "Duluth Homegrown Radio"

Or look in the "Eclectic" genre of iTunes radio.


about 11 years ago

or tune in to KUMD every Weds at 5pm

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