Vietnamese Lotus Inn closing

The Vietnamese Lotus Inn will close on Saturday, Feb. 2. It almost lasted 10 years, having opened at 1314 Commonwealth Ave. in the summer of 2003.



about 12 years ago

OH NO! Love the place but the location... sucks for me.


about 12 years ago

Wonder if the Jay Cooke closure was the death blow? I also liked the place (especially the Vietnamese coffee), but the only times we'd stop there was on the way to the park as, yes, it was a bit too far for a casual meal out.


about 12 years ago

Sad to hear this. Loved stopping there for Pho. Yes, location meant it was a special trip. Would have stopped there more if open Sunday (post long run) but I totally understand the need for a day off. 

So, by closing on Saturday, does this mean we still have time for one last meal that day?!?!


about 12 years ago

This is sad news.  They did a great job, and I know how hard that family worked to present excellent food in a nice setting.  The location was a problem; it was a long drive for many people, and out of the way enough that it was easy to forget about it.  Too bad.  They had great Pho; I will miss it!

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

I would argue that the location was more of a psychological hurdle than physical hurdle. Let's say you live on 17th Avenue East and 5th Street in the East Hillside. According to Google Maps, the Lotus is the same distance from your house as the New Scenic Café, and in terms of time, it's actually three minutes closer.

Duluthians do not like to travel west, for whatever reason.


about 12 years ago

Dang, my parents would drive from Esko for takeout.


about 12 years ago

I have to admit, for me, just across 21st from Cake Eaters Land, it's a lot more scenic driving up Old Highway 61 than it is driving to Gary-New Duluth. I don't mind driving west, I go to Beaner's, I go to Pak's ... but Gary/ND feels like a huge schlep. Too bad, too, because the Lotus is top notch.


about 12 years ago

I agree with Claire.  It's not the distance or direction, it's the scenery!  Given a choice, driving to The New Scenic is a lot nicer than driving to Gary. But, I'm not sure how many Duluth residents regularly drive to the New Scenic either.  There are a lot of fine places to dine right in town, which probably makes it that much tougher for anyone operating off the beaten path.  The New Scenic most likely lives off tourists; the Lotus didn't have a good way to attract that crowd.


about 12 years ago

Every time I go to the Scenic in the off season, I see friends who live up the shore and in Clover Valley there. And they probably have more disposable incomes than people living close to the Lotus.


about 12 years ago

What is anyone doing with their life that a 15 minute drive to get such fabulous food isn't something they have time for? You spent more time on the internet today than it would take to drive out there and get some takeout before they close.


about 12 years ago

I agree jsmith!  

It's all about perspective.  It's only 5 miles from I-35 in West Duluth.  You spend more time looking for a parking space in Downtown than you would driving to GND.  

Hwy 61 may be a nice drive, but so is Hwy 23.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

The buiding has been for sale for more than a year -- has that been a factor?


about 12 years ago

Thou shalt not compare the Scenic to the Lotus. The Scenic is holy, while the Lotus was merely beautific. 

- Leviticus 2:14

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Lotus killed Scenic every time.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Someone hire that cook.


about 12 years ago

Blasphemers shall be struck down by a bolt of duck confit, sayeth the Lord. And whosoever so compareth a pittance of Pho with morel lasagna, shalt forever be smited by Satan's MSG.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Meh. Someone hire the cooks from the Lotus NOW while there is still time to save Vicarious from his fundamentalist misconceptions.


about 12 years ago

I was thinking about this idea that Duluthians who live on the east side of Mesaba don't like to go west for anything. Last night we went to Pak's Green Corner on 41st & Grand for dinner, then dancing with the Fractals at Players a block or two away. And I've been to Beaner's in the past few weeks. I think Central Avenue is the dividing line .... I never go anywhere west of Central Avenue unless I have to,

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Zoo, of course, but otherwise, yes, after central, I'm either on my way to Gordy's or on my way to Mpls...


about 12 years ago

The Lotus and The Scenic are just about equal-distant to my location and coincidentally I (had) frequented them about the same.


about 12 years ago

Wow, I'm glad I got to eat there once at least! I missed out on the Buena Vista, I don't know if the food was anything special or not, but it's just the fact that I'll never be able to find out for myself.


about 12 years ago

I wish that some of these restaurants would relocate to the Woodland and St.Marie area.  There are several empty buildings, zoned for restaurants, in a prime location.  Two colleges, lots of residential houses.  Maybe rent is just too high.  Nonetheless, I am aware of two non-pizza restaurants in that area, Bulldog Pizza (okay that's partly pizza too) and the Thai restaurant all the way up in Upper Woodland.  And the bagel place too. Why no restaurants??? No close delivery options?

Also:  any word on the Mexican/Spanish food truck on Central Entrance reopening?

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