Steve Martin tweets Duluth

Earlier today, comedian Steve Martin tweeted a picture of the Duluth Vinyl Roofs / Arrowhead Hearing Aid Center on Superior Street noting, “I love it when businesses combine. So convenient!”

If you’re on Twitter and you like Steve Martin, he’s worth following. Funny stuff. Go Duluth!



about 12 years ago

Reminds me of the old SNL skit where they mentioned the "Duluth Dinner Theatre and Garage."


about 12 years ago

Steve's is the only Twitter stream that I have actually spent time reading.  Funny stuff. 

I wonder if he took this photo himself, or if someone sent it to him.


about 12 years ago

He was in Duluth recently, I bet he saw it as he drove by.


about 12 years ago

That is why I question it. 

He came in a bus, I believe. Yet there is no bus behind him in the reflection in the windows.

So he either stayed at the Sheraton and saw it while wandering around, or someone sent it to him.

about 12 years ago

The photographer is definitely on foot, but the angle of the shot looks a little off, if you're using the bright spot in the main window as a reference for the camera position. Looking at the light pole, the photographer's position looks to be about 8-12 feet from the curb, and crouched, looking slightly upward. (Unless the picture has been cropped and repositioned.)

Given the angle referenced to the location of the light pole, you wouldn't see the flash.


about 12 years ago

I believe he stayed at the Sheraton. The person who drove him to the Duluth Airport the next morning said Mr. Martin was buried in his iPad the entire time.


about 12 years ago

I think you are over-analyzing it


about 12 years ago

I may be over-analyzing as well, but I find it unlikely that someone would say to Steve Martin "Hey, you were recently in Duluth. Here's a funny picture that I took while I was there." Something of that type of humor indicates that it was seen first-person.

Cory Fechner

about 12 years ago

Well this solves that mystery. He did indeed take the photo when he was in town this summer.

Stephenos LaFleur

about 12 years ago

PDD's tweet machine just got exposure to about 3.5 million peoples. Congrats! I'm going to drink a beer to that!


about 12 years ago

Stephenos, not really. One thing about Twitter that most people don't realize is that when you direct reply to somebody, with the handle coming first, it is seen on only the timelines of people who follow both the tweeter and the tweetee. (That's why you'll sometimes see someone put a period or quotation marks in front of a handle at the beginning of a tweet -- so it's seen by everyone.) So, sadly, the tweet was only seen by people who happen to follow both Steve and PDD, or people who happen to directly go to Steve's Twitter feed.


about 12 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to be a buzzkill. It's awesome to see Steve respond to PDD's tweet anyway.

Stephenos LaFleur

about 12 years ago

No buzzkill, you're right! I follow both, and am still learning aspects of the tweetiverse (now I understand the . before a response thingy- Rob Delaney does that often when ripping on Walmart). Thanks for the insight, Tom.


about 12 years ago

Well geeze, now we look like crazy photo conspiracy theorists... :p
Zapruder photo!

about 12 years ago

Well, I was going to say something about the grassy knoll.

Nick L

about 12 years ago

We passed a Palm Reader & Mini Storage Unit business in Paris, TX.  I figured that combination deserves sharing here.

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