Renegade’s The Wild Party Trailer!

Renegade Theater Company’s production of The Wild Party, runs August 4 to 20. Tickets on sale now at 218-336-1414.



about 13 years ago

OK, don't get me wrong, bravo to anyone who has cojones enough to get up in front of other people and do a show, and the magic of a truly transporting theater experience is undeniable. And it's awesome that there's a bit of a local theater scene going on here ... but...

I'm getting pretty damn sick of seeing chunky local beige people attempting to act all floozy and sexiful. Just because you all dress up in sequins and black and do the lindy doesn't make you erotic or bohemian or edgy. This kind of roaring twenties rip off seems like a caricature of a caricature. 

Now, I haven't seen the show (and I despise musicals) so please consider me a wizened lich of a sotted egomaniac crooner but sheesh people I hope you all use this as a vehicle to challenge yourself in your craft and explore beyond the glitz, glam and garter belts into some real erotic energy.

Also, a strong cultural scene is made stronger by frank and constructive critique. Now, I'm not sayin' that's me, cause I'm a caustic SOB and can to use words in hurtful ways to make points sometimes ... but I'm just sayin ... let's call turds turds (and I'm not sayin wild party is a turd b/c I haven't seen it) and maybe the scene will raise the bar a bit.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

So, Sinatra, your criticism is that the preview of this show doesn't give you a boner?

I'm not big on musicals myself, but I have to say this is a pretty damn good trailer. Your criticism of "chucky" dancers would be obnoxious if the dancers in the video were actually chunky, but since they appear to me to be of sizes ranging from normal to thin I have to wonder if you are trolling on this. If you can't articulate a meaningful comment on this the moderators will feel obligated to remove these remarks.


about 13 years ago

Ya know, it's hard to take your criticism seriously when you haven't seen the show you are criticizing.  

It's also hard to take you seriously when you spend several paragraphs calling this show a "turd," and then offer a weak disclaimer that that's not what you really meant about this turd.

Criticism works when you've actually seen what you're criticizing, and you have the balls to stand by what you're saying.

P.S. I say this as a chunky local beige person attempting to look all floozy and sexiful, every single day of my life.


about 13 years ago

Hey guys, points well taken ... I'm a jerk, not hard to figure that out. This ain't a troll though -- I said things that are mean, so pull my comments, that's OK ... I don't want anyone to get hurt.

My point is that it's easy for a cultural scene to get sycophantic and self-serving and lose sight of what's real, innovative and daring in favor of pablum and self-reverential backslapping. I'm sure The Wild Party is great! I know the cast, crew and production staff are giving it their all; my taunts and innuendo are off base and I'll do my penance by going to see it. I hate musicals ... I'm sure I'll have a blast. For our arts scene to evolve, we need real and constructive critique, a skill ol' blue eyes here doesn't have.


about 13 years ago

Good points, Sinatra, and I will try to do my part by seeing more of the local art scene.  You're right, for it to grow, we need to support it and discuss it.

Andy Bennett

about 13 years ago

You know what I'M pretty damn sick of? People hiding behind the comfortable anonymity of an internet pseudonym and using that as a shield to puke out all the ignorant, half-baked and hate-filled thoughts they would never say to someone's face.

But hey, thanks for telling us that our arts scene needs to evolve. I'll be sure and let the hundreds of people who spend countless volunteer hours working on the dozens of shows produced in the community each year that somebody using the name of a dead crooner thinks they're chunky and beige.

And I think the moderators should leave Sinatra's comments up for everyone to see. Maybe a little "real and constructive critique" of Sinatra's own words is just what's needed for Sinatra to do a little evolution of his/her own. You know, from a "sotted egomaniac" and a "caustic SOB" into ... you know ... a human being.


about 13 years ago

Andy, l et the hate consume you ...feels good doesn't it? Yes ... 

Have a great show!

Again, my earlier comments about The Wild Party were needlessly crass and without any merit because I haven't seen the show yet (which I will, I owe the fine people involved that much gratitude for their efforts and for being the brunt of my misguided belligerence). And yes, Paul, I do not get a boner from the trailer ... when you've spent a moon soaked evening with Gina Lollobrigida naked and dripping in the Adriatic not much compares. But what really let the air out of my inflatable was them using the original cast recording to represent the local production. That is misleading and added to the hokeyness which initially set me off.

What's wrong with hearing that a show might not be golden? Are we too fragile to take critique and mudslinging? I was impressed and proud to know that the Jack Chick plays got down to the fringefest in Minneapolis. A unique and well executed original concept!

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Strange that what really let the air out of your inflatable wasn't mentioned initially, Sinatra. Had the use of the cast recording been your original critique you might not have experienced the backlash. Anyway, you've apologized, so let's consider this episode over.

Andy Bennett

about 13 years ago

Paul - I get your reluctance to let this thread devolve into an argument, but I do feel like I need to respond to something "Sinatra" said.

Sinatra - Nothing is wrong with a frank and constructive critique. As someone who wrote an original script that was produced by the company last year to middling reviews, I think I can safely say that our skin is thick when it comes to the type of criticism you are describing. Your initial post, however, wasn't that. The problem I have is that you haven't seen the show, first of all, and the only thing you based your 'critique' on in your initial post was that the cast was, in your mind, chunky and beige. That's not a frank and constructive critique. That's rude and disrespectful. 

Now, if you want to come to the show, pay your $15 and then tell us and everyone else your thoughts on the artistic merits of the piece and our production, that would be more than welcome. As a company committed to pushing the theatrical envelope in the community, we're always looking for feedback. 

You can reach us at [email protected].

Additionally, if you'd like to discuss why certain choices are made in the production of our marketing materials, I'd be happy to talk to you about why we do what we do. You can reach me at that same email address.


about 13 years ago

Paul, I'm a jerk .. I say mean things and deserve to be blog lashed in return. I'm the chsorman and got here because I can take what I dish out. 

@Andy - I wish you and the cast and crew a great show! Break a leg while you are showing some! A trailer is a great way to promo a show. Don't let an undead sithlord heartthrob kill the magic.

[email protected]

about 13 years ago

Wait -- that wasn't the voices of Duluthian singers on the trailer?  That's disappointing.

Hot Shot

about 13 years ago

Who told Vic Black about PDD?

I saw the show last night. Loved it.  Isn't the point of theater to embrace what isn't real and turn it into a reality? It's not the 1920s, but for a few hours we all got to feel it was.

Sorry for feeding the troll.


about 13 years ago

I'm going tonight!  Looking forward to it!

jessie hp

about 13 years ago

I can't wait to see it! It's so exciting to see local theater in Duluth doing more than what was popular 20 years ago and look at new and, for the most part, unknown by the general public.  

Break a leg Renegade crew and keep making bold choices, bucking the trends, and trying out new and exciting shows.  Keep showcasing local talented writers, actors, choreographers, set designers, and introducing new people to the glory of live theater instead of the same movies coming out with new titles year after year!

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