Duluth’s Enger Tower, refurbished

Enger Tower reopened yesterday after three months of concrete patching, roof repairing, repainting, fancy new light installing, etc.

It looks great.

Look mom, no graffiti inside!

I don’t know who that kid is. She sneaked into the picture. The place is crawling with people today. In addition to the repairs, of course, everyone’s there to see this:


The Big E

about 13 years ago

They ought to pay some teenager with a BB gun to sit up there to keep the pigeons out.

jan montgomery

about 13 years ago

Looks great and something for everyone to be proud of and enjoy. Best spot in town for remembering to bring a camera along. Now if the "graffiti" never returns.

Don Ness

about 13 years ago

Not only does it look great - but the tuck pointing work protects the structural integrity of the tower.  We're hoping that the enhanced lighting and a few well positioned security cameras will discourage the vandalism we've seen in the past.

City crews and the contractor did a great job completing this project through a crummy spring to have it open during the summer months.

More to come at Enger - new gazebo on the ridge, new trails, and we're raising money to expand the bathrooms (and make them accessible).  To help out (volunteer or contribute), go to engertowerduluth.com.

Of course, then we'll bring King Harald of Norway to Duluth in October for the rededication of the Tower, 72 years after his father first dedicated it in 1939.

Don Ness

about 13 years ago

Check out this MPR project related to Enger Tower and Duluth.  Your chance to brag about our city.

Help us see Duluth from above


about 13 years ago

Hooray for security cameras and expanded bathrooms - maybe it will no longer smell like drunk pee.  That will be so cool.

Henry Jenkins

about 13 years ago

I don't mean to be that guy, and the 'graffiti' there did suck a bunch, but I mean really, security cameras in our parks?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I guess if you want a nice clean tower to make out in, you better get used to having those make-out sessions on video.

You can always make out in private at Graffiti Graveyard, I suppose.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Dig MPR's panoramic shot of Duluth from Enger Tower (in case you missed it on Mayor Ness' link above).

Follow this link to see it bigger.


about 13 years ago

I thought King Harald of Norway was coming for a ribbon cutting ceremony of the improved Enger Tower. Is this just a 'soft opening'?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Yes. King Harald and Queen Sonya will rededicate the tower on October 17.

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