Henry Jenkins Posts

Back to the tundra!

I am heading back to Duluth tomorrow.  I have been gone for a little less than a year, is there anything different enough that I should know about it in advance? What has changed? What is exactly the same? Any new restaurants/stores I should check out as soon as I get back? Suggestions for new local bands/upcoming shows?

Another new Lava Lake mix online now!

Here, for your listening enjoyment, is another brand new Lava Lake mix!

Head on over to KKXYB, click digital download, and then leave some feedback at Lava Lake’s Facebook page.

Thanks a bunch!

(P.S. Minecraft cover art, ooooh yeeeaaah. )

New Lava Lake mix available for download!

There is a new set available for download from my friend James Larson’s new electronic project, Lava Lake, combined with an overhaul of my website, and a new page for his music.


So, I’m currently an 11th grade student at Harbor City International School downtown, but I’ll be spending my senior year somewhere in Brazil. When I get there, I need to give a presentation on my home town, and I’m looking for some photos of Duluth that exceed my photography skills, and some advice on what to include in my presentation. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.