December 2010 Posts

New Year’s Eve Road Report

Anyone been out there today? What’s the story on the road conditions? We may venture out for a bit tonight if we can make the ice-filled walk to the car and then navigate the inch of ice on the driveway.

Amsoil Arena

I went to the game last night and other than the remarkably crappy hockey, I have to say that in my already-addressed 10 years in Duluth, I have never been more proud to be a Duluthian.

What a great building, and as Mayor Ness said, what a great achievement for the men and women who built it and the folks who work there. On my way in I heard employees welcoming people, and on the way out I was thanked for coming and invited back, and it was actually sincere. It’s a beautiful facility and I’m so glad that our community voted to build it.

I think 61% of the city would now vote to get the Bulldogs some defense, but that would be a different referendum.

Anyway, thanks to all of those who worked to get the arena, those who worked on the arena, and those who work in it now. It was a great experience and I’m looking forward to many, many more. I would encourage everyone to visit the open house, even if you’re not a hockey fan. It’s going to be a great venue for concerts and other events, too.

Live music all day at Beaner’s

23 bands at Beaner’s for New Year’s Eve!

Yellowlab found

A yellowlab puppy, intact, was found on House Street and 101st Ave W. No tags, blue collar. Please call for information — 715-520-0111

Blatnik Bridge Under Construction


I found this old slide and thought I would share it since these pictures seem to be a bit rare around here. It is a Kodachrome.

From Tragedy to Hope: Haiti Benefit

Tuesday, Jan. 4, 5-8 p.m. at Beaner’s Central
More info at:

Live music will feature Jessica Myshack:

Full PDF news release here.

Hope to see you all there!!!

Homegrown Winter Fiasco 2011

Grand Marais’ Lonnie Dupre to attempt Denali in January

Lonnie Dupre to attempt Denali Solo

Lonnie Dupre of Grand Marais wants to be the first person to summit Denali solo in January. I wish him good luck and look forward to following his blog at along the way!

Learn More Here:

New Year’s Eve Nerdliness

Dragon Port Games will have an overnighter to ring in the New Year. Games of all types are available to play for free, and experts will gladly show you how to play something new. They might even let you win.

Kids are welcome with their parents, too; soft drinks and snacks will be available for purchase.

Swing by.

Who’s running for mayor in Superior?

Dave Ross is out after two terms as Superior mayor. He’s taking a job as secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing.

Candidates must file the required number of signatures by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 4 to get on the ballot for mayor in Superior.

Best Shows of 2010???

What were some of the best live shows you saw this past year in the Twin Ports area?

Tonight, for those with a radio …

Duluth Arena archive photos and timeline


With the grand opening of Amsoil Arena, the News Tribune Attic has been featuring a look back at its predecessor, the Duluth/DECC Arena, with photos and a timeline of notable events.

Duluth Artist Paints Abroad


You may recall Ken Marunowski, former UMD faculty member and local artist (who premiered his work locally in an unconventional venue, the gallery space at Chester Creek Books and Antiques, last Spring).

Ken has been painting abroad: France, then South Africa, then France again.

Homegrown Band and Musician Registration for 2011

Band and musician registration for the music festival with the most impressive ratio of big:cheap begins Jan. 15 and ends Feb. 15. If that seems early, it’s ’cause we moved it up after suddenly realizing no one was gonna stop us.