The Return of Glass Elevator

Glass Elevator plays around midnight. DJ sets by DJ Focus and David Stromdahl all night 9-2. No Cover!



about 14 years ago

Why does everything having to do with Brewhouse, Burrito Union and Red Star have to be so horribly sexist?

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Hmmm, just a coincidence that all businesses are owned by a man who was charged with sexual harassment?


about 14 years ago

Ugh! We (the band) made the poster. Please don't start a crap throwing fight until you are aiming at the right target. Those guys had nothing to do with this poster for crying out loud.


about 14 years ago

I think that I hear feet being pulled out of mouths.


about 14 years ago

Good thing we didn't go with my poster.


about 14 years ago

Robert, the BH/BU/RS in-house designer, rarely uses women in his posters / advertisements (Red Star quick glance: 4 times in the past year and a half).

Realistically, you're probably thinking of me.


about 14 years ago

Before letting this post turn into a big debate on some completely different (although worthy) topic, I would simply like to quote George Michael:

"C-C-C-C-C-C-COME ON!!!"


about 14 years ago

This is only sexist if, sexist = badass

Sexism, a term coined in the mid-20th century, is the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to, less competent, or less valuable than the other. It can also refer to hatred of, or prejudice towards, either sex as a whole. --(Wikipedia) 

She looks superior to me and my ability to play video games with a shiny suit and a laser blaster. Therefore  she would be picked for shiny suit laser blaster vid teams waaay before me.  

I also do not see any reason to hate her or that the poster implies anyone is hating her.  

Using sex to get attention is not sexism, it is advertising.

You may be projecting here, so, chiggity check yourself, Carla.


about 14 years ago

"What's your definition of dirty, baby?
What do you consider pornography?"

George Michael is asking some important questions here. 

Right on, B-Man.


about 14 years ago

Who cares if it's sexist.  Don't look at it if you don't like it.


about 14 years ago

Like these 15 Sexist Vintage Ads, it is only sexist if it shows women as ridiculous, half-naked sex objects with lasers. 

Oh ... wait ... nevermind.

Stay classy Red Star!


about 14 years ago

I know I'm right you guys - and I think they should be called on it.
But I apologize for not doing it privately. It was a "snapped" moment.


about 14 years ago


I wonder if the ladies think THIS is sexist. I'd bet not:


about 14 years ago

If that poster makes a person snap and than I'd guess there is a whole pile of problems that person has both within themselves and with the world itself. I feel sorry for them, that they can't pick a better battle to fight. Quite frankly, I hope they protest outside of the show. That would make my night.


about 14 years ago

Actually, the cigar thing works pretty well.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

"What's wrong with being sexy?" --Nigel Tufnel, Spinal Tap

If that poster is sexist, Carla, then what do you call a business owner who refuses to carry a product for the specifically stated reason that the product was NOT created by a woman or a member of the GLBTA community? That's clear bias on some level, don't you think? Perhaps even sexist in one reading of the definition? How about a painting of two women bending over a table, leaning toward each other, their backsides raised--would that be sexist or sexy, or would it depend on the viewer? (And where have I seen that that image before?) 

Funny how our actions and words sometimes contradict our values, isn't it? I guess we are all human after all. (Oh yeah, and I apologize for not privately calling you on your calling the kettle black. I must be having a "snap moment" ... but "I know I am right -- and I think [you] should be called on it.")

One person's art is another person's porn: nobody looks a the same image in the same way, with the same reactions. We can't simply make knee-jerk reactions to what may offend us, as that renders us no better then the political and religious radicals currently distracting the planet from real issues. Wake up and smell the glove, people!


about 14 years ago

reminds me of being told the word "chic" is sexist, insulting, demeaning. It is actually a word of endearment and affection, at least as I use it. If I want to insult a woman, chic won't be on the long or short list.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Yes, let's all jump on Carla because we don't agree with her opinion! Let's get with the torches and pitchforks! Yeehaw!

Seriously, someone posted a one-sentence comment regarding the poster, and it's interpreted as an angry feminist protest? WTF?? Part of what makes this blog awesome is that everyone can express their views and that we don't have to drink the kool-aid and join in on the group-think.
It's valid to to ask why a local business that I enjoy going to is not marketing towards me. It's valid to critique and to respond with comments and opinions. So you don't agree with Carla that it's sexist, then fine, it's her opinion. Lot's of people find all types of advertising sexist/racist/homophobic, whatever. You may personally not feel the same way, that's because it's an OPINION - everyone has one, everyone is allowed to have one. I consider my self a pro-sex/pro-porn feminist, and I have to admit I rolled my eyes a little when I first saw the ad. "We can't simply make knee-jerk reactions to what may offend us" - yes we can, that's what advertising is people! Advertising is designed to make people have an opinion (usually positive). Would mcdonald's create an ad with maggoty-mcnuggets, then get angry when we look at it and say "yuk"? If the poster had a bible and a bunch of happy mormon kids on it, I would likely make a knee-jerk reaction and say "wow, do not want" (I would react even more negatively, I'm nipple friendly, but not bible friendly).
I know this is just a long crazy-sounding rambling stream of conscious, but I am actually upset that people on PDD are telling others "your opinion is not valid - please think something else." I am angry about that, not the side-boob action!

Carla, you have nothing to apologize about. And even though I interjected with my usual stir-some-shit-up attitude, I'm not going to apologize either.
And Paul, your poster made me laugh my ass off.


about 14 years ago

@Bad Cat, I like to stir the pot once in a while too. I guess it worked. I got no problem with Carla or her opinion, thats what these blog things are for as I understand it.


about 14 years ago

There's a substantial difference between expressing an opinion, and throwing out broad accusations that entail untold implications.

Let's examine the statement: "Why does everything having to do with Brewhouse, Burrito Union and Red Star have to be so horribly sexist?"

"Everything"? I would like Carla to expound on that a little.

It is truly nonsensical. And, it is not a statement of opinion; instead, it's a rhetorical attempt at stating fact...."facts" that aren't anywhere near being true.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Bad Cat, I also think the poster is lacking in taste and am not surprised when someone considers it sexist--seems to me to fit the definition.

The problem I (and some others, I am guessing) had was with the tone and content of Carla's statement about the establishments mentioned, not about the poster's obvious sexism: "Why does >everythingeverything< about those establishments is horribly sexist. Some is, most isn't--just like at Carla's restaurant and very likely at many other business throughout town--no matter who happens to own them.


about 14 years ago

It's just a know it when you see it deal.
I have never ever heard anyone complain about the women leaning over the table - but if it offends you - please - let's talk.
But a few years back I walked into the old Oriental Market and Rosemary (who used to work there) waived a copy of the Reader in my face and started yelling "have you seen this?!?  This Burrito looks like a penis and she is saying she can't get her mouth around it!!  Can you believe this!?!"
So that was the beginning of my awareness of this topic.  I can put myself into the painting of the two women leaning over the table.  I can't put myself into the burrito thing or the naked pinball player with star on tit thing.
I am a woman - that's the difference - I guess...


about 14 years ago

But in other news, the Glass Elevator show now has even more buzz about it than the Danimal show! ;)

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

It's awesome when a bunch of dudes all pipe up to explain what is and what isn't offensive to women.


about 14 years ago

Thank you for making an awesome post turn into what sounds like a lecture by my crusty 7th grade art teacher. I'm going to go back to reading comic books and NOT working on my art project. (headphones on... faint sound of 'Girls On Film!') ...

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Carla; to clarify, I actually think that painting hanging at the "Identity Crisis Cafe" is rather lovely and not sexist in the least. I was just using it to illustrate my point that whether an image is offensive depends on the eye of the beholder.


about 14 years ago

At first, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Paul's "sexist poster" post.  And then I realized I was laughing at a poster of a husband beating his wife (see above)!  I take Paul's use of the (originally very sexist) poster to be anti-sexist.

However, I take the Red Star "Half-naked laser woman" poster to be sexist.  However, if a feminist (like Paul) used the same image of the laser woman in another context, it wouldn't necessarily be sexist.  I recall seeing long ago a feminist poster with a sexist 1950's image of a woman doing the dishes with her husband reading the paper.  The feminist poster caption said something like "I love serving my husband and I hate to read and have ideas of my own."  In this feminist context, the image is anti-sexist, but in the original 1950's context it was probably sexist.


about 14 years ago

It's equally as awesome when ONE woman pipes up to explain what is and what isn't offensive to ALL women. That's the crux of the biscuit. You know what the butter on top of that biscuit is? When the same woman states her opinion as FACT. Opine for your own vagina, I say. The right to do so is undeniable, but that's really all it is - opinion. Certainly not one shared by all women. I know that for a fact.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

@L-Dopa - I don't remember anyone here stating "this ad is offensive to all women." Not to go all Wikipedia on you, but citation needed dude.


about 14 years ago

This Saturday night is a fun event. Thank you all for being civil. Even though L-Dopa dropped a V-bomb (and in the same paragraph as 'biscuit'), everyone's staying in hand (no pun intended). Good job.

Well, the poster wasn't meant to offend. It was meant to get attention, and sheesh I guess that worked. I, like Mr. Lundgren am VERY MUCH a feminist, however I feel that sideboobs (as well as man-boobs) just HAPPEN and Victorian suppressed-sexuality America just needs to get the eff over it! I think being a whistleblower every time a partial tit makes an appearance is even more oppressive to women. Let's live and let live, and party while we're at it.

As Eddie Money says:  "Heeyyy, yaaah, iii uh, gonna have a rum and coke for the money man... Nice Fish!!"

Thank you all and Good Night!!

(turns off lights and closes thread)


about 14 years ago

As long as the poster is done in a Lundgren-feminist light...


about 14 years ago

Ever hear the saying that opinions are like assholes? Bottom line is, if you're all not too busy with your online pseudo-intellectual wank-fest, come to the bar and listen to some funny fucking 80s music. Or for that matter, don't.


about 14 years ago

"Advertising is designed to make people have an opinion (usually positive)." C'mon!

"It's just a know it when you see it deal." Ahem: 

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Sorry? Can't hear ya - too busy wanking.
*wank* *wank* *wank*

greg cougar conley

about 14 years ago

I think that this thread clearly illustrates several reasons why everyone should boycott Glass Elevator and come to R.T. Quinlan's that night to see the Surfactants, a band that never offends anyone with its posters, and chooses to only offend with its music. See you there!


about 14 years ago

Mmm ... side boob.

Rick Boo can tell you ALL about side boob.


about 14 years ago

Women put up with a LOT of sh*t from men in this world. It is at least as worthwhile to talk about this feminist stuff as any other stuff on PDD.

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