Need Fun!

I don’t get it. Is the billboard telling me I need fun in Hulk/Caveman language? Does Roper’s need fun people to facilitate a positive atmosphere and therefore generate more customers? Does the billboard proclaim that people in general need to have fun in their lives? Is there really someone (like Mr. Norman Fell in Three’s Company) named Roper? Or does the place belong to all people who rope things, in which case the apostrophe is misplaced? This is what I’m asking you.


jest me

about 14 years ago

No, just another person who thinks all punctuation marks are interchangable.  I mean, why use a question mark to end a question. (::wink wink::)  I like your analyses better, though.


about 14 years ago

Ugh, yeah, this drives me nuts every time I cross the Bong bridge into Superior. I think it's just bad use of punctuation. It just sucks that it's the first thing most people see when entering my home town...


about 14 years ago

And while we're discussing bad punctuation and's some glaringly bad such: why is every word on the sign except "bull" capitalized?


about 14 years ago

Like the sign coming north into Hinckley on 35 for Tobie's "carmel" rolls. Ugh. They refuse to change it.


about 14 years ago

Roper is a family name.


about 14 years ago


Grammar Nazi

about 14 years ago

Yes, punctuation and capitalization can definitely cause confusion. For example, I can't figure out how to appropriately comment on this post. Should it be:

a) Who cares?
b) Who cares!!
d) WhO cArEz?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


about 14 years ago

Grammar Nazi, you need fun!


about 14 years ago

There's an ad for North Dakota in the Skywalk system that keeps bothering me. The font size keeps changing, but it does so in the middle of words: "I looked for peace within."

Not only did the designer change the font in the middle of words, but they split the word "within" into "wit" and "hin"! Does it mean approximately a gallon of wit?

At least it's not as bad as "Need Fun!"

(I can't exactly replicate the formatting in this comment, but hopefully the bold gets the point across.)

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

So, has anyone been to Roper's when the mechanical bull is actually in operation? I've been there twice and it has been tucked away both times. Of course, that didn't stop Tomasz from seeking it out and climbing on it. 

Hey, he needed fun.


about 14 years ago

Not to be confused with Goatropers Bar in Farming, west of St. Cloud.


about 14 years ago

Perhaps elipses in place of exclamation mark would have proved more enticing and less desperate. Though I am self-accused for using elipses to excess...


about 14 years ago

Undoubtedly, the client (saloon) had the thought and copy correct, and the billboard company screwed it up.  Or one would hope. 

Maybe sign painters only have a limited amount of punctuation in their kits - like those sidewalk signs you see that use backward 3's for E's, and so on.


about 14 years ago

The one that bothers me the most is the tattoo shop in Superior's East End that has a neon sign declaring "Tattoo's."

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Perhaps that place was founded by Hervé Villechaize.

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I think it would be fun to ride some of those mechanical bull drink specials.

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