Annual Food Queries: Throwback; Paczki

I’m looking for two seasonal foods:

1. Any stores with Mountain Dew Throwback still in stock … a gas station, a grocer — anything. This is number 1 priority.

2. Pepsi Throwback. Same deal. The no-HFCs is attractive to me.

3. I’m looking for “poonchskis” or “paczki” — a donut common among Polish folks. A pÄ…czek is a deep-fried piece of dough shaped into a flattened sphere and filled with confiture or other sweet filling. PÄ…czki are usually covered with powdered sugar, icing or bits of dried orange zest. A small amount of grain alcohol (traditionally, Spiritus) is added to the dough before cooking; as it evaporates, it prevents the absorption of oil deep into the dough.[2]

Although they look like bismarcks or jelly doughnuts, pączki are made from especially rich dough containing eggs, fats, sugar and sometimes milk. They feature a variety of fruit and creme fillings and can be glazed, or covered with granulated or powdered sugar. Powidła (stewed plum jam) and wild rose hip jam[2][3] are traditional fillings, but many others are used as well, including strawberry, Bavarian cream, blueberry, custard, raspberry and apple.[4]


about 15 years ago

Mt Royal has the throwback Dew. Not sure bout the Pepsi.

Johnson's Bakery for the paczki. (?)


about 15 years ago

Not an answer but related, for those who might be interested: This place makes and ships Dr. Pepper made with sugar and not HFCS


about 15 years ago

The folks at Johnson's had no idea what I was talking about yesterday;  I'll try again next week.  

Thanks!  More ideas?

about 15 years ago

Not a whole lot of Czech settlers here, as opposed to the Finns and Nords ... you might be outta luckski.


about 15 years ago

The Two Harbors Super One has cases of throwback Pepsi.  Paczki also show up wrapped in plastic in the bakery section, but because it doesn't have an on-site bakery, I don't know where they come from.

amy a.

about 15 years ago

The Plaza Super One in Duluth on Superior Street has Throwback Mountain Dew and Pepsi.


about 15 years ago

I have run into paczkis at Super One before, but if was usually a bit closer to the start of Lent, since Polaks consume them as part of "Karnawal" - a celebration akin to, but decidedly different from Mardi Gras.

The ones I got at Super One even came in a box with a Polish eagle on it an everything!


about 15 years ago

wait: paczki or colache?


about 15 years ago

Gonna be blunt.  All that stuff is not healthy to put into your system.


about 15 years ago

I'll hook into SuperOne.

Worse than putting this stuff in my system is getting a poke in the ribs for criticizing my diet!


about 15 years ago

This topic was discussed a couple of years ago...


about 15 years ago

Indeed, I raised it two years ago, and am asking for an update!


about 15 years ago

mmmmm rose pÄ…czki. I miss Poland!

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

The subject of Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback first came up on PDD in June 2009. Link below.

Shopping Advice

I haven't seen it anywhere in quite some time, but I noticed today the Little Store on Central Avenue in West Duluth has 12 packs priced at 2-for-$7. That ain't a great price, but I see some people are trying to sell it online for about $10 a 12-pack, so ... well, there's that.

By the way, there's a new (at least new to me) can design.


about 15 years ago

Thanks, Paul.  Looks like Duluth is finally getting its fair share of the orders.

Now, if anyone knew where I could find the Dr. Pepper made with natural sugar.

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