November 2009 Posts

Washington Times Ad: Obama’s Lack of Eligibility

Full page ad in Washington Times by Protect Our Liberty. Wow!

Pumpkin tales

Wondering if anyone else has some good before and after pumpkin pics.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree…

We are looking to get our first Christmas Tree, but need some advice on where to go for a good deal. Any suggestions?

Northern Lights Express could cost $1 billion

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

The proposed Northern Lights Express from Minneapolis to Duluth runs into complications after a MnDOT “worst-case” estimate comes in much higher than a more conservative estimate by rail supporters.

Recommend a Slide/Negative Scanner

Can anyone recommend a Mac compatible slide and 35mm negative scanner/converter? I’m not a professional, I just want to download all my old pre-digital camera photos. I’ve read customer reviews for products listed on Amazon, and now turn to a more trusted source of opinion … the readers of PDD. You don’t have to list any specs, but I would like to know what you like, and why. Thanks.

Duluth Arena Pro Wrestling Photos from the 1980s — Killer Khan and so on



Killer Khan wrestled at the Duluth Arena on Aug. 8, 1987. The infamous Mr. Fuji is in the background of the top photo.


Nick Bockwinkel was special guest referee on a different card.

Bentleyville Tour of Lights – Bayfront Park Duluth – Christmas City of the North


The Bentleyville Tour of Lights is open every day, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., until Jan. 2. There are buses and trains to take you there and cookies and hot chocolate waiting for you. It’s free.

I’m just about to move to Duluth …

… and I’m gonna have about two weeks of free time to just waste away. What are some things I need to go and check out?

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

Cooking on the Car at Beaner’s

Jason Wussow and Dan Dresser’s adventures in cooking on the exhaust manifold of a 1989 Toyota Camry continue tonight. They’re making a special meal for the mayor and his wife. A screening of the short “Cooking on the Car” movie will be part of the event.

Friday, Nov. 27, 8 p.m. | Beaner’s Central

Speaking of coffee shops, the Red Mug in Superior is celebrating its 5th anniversary with prizes and specials all day today.

The Great Thanksgiving Blizzard of 1983

Just wondering if anyone else remembers the big snowstorm of ’83? It actually hit the night before Thanksgiving. I was working at what was called the Duluth Arena then and we got snowed in. I got to pull my car inside and sleep in the auditorium mezzanine. It was pretty sweet. We took an Arena ice truck and tried to get to Superior for some beer, but had to turn back. We did manage to walk down in the middle of the blizzard and eat at Godfather’s on London Road, right before they closed up shop. I remember we even managed to throw a snowball or two at Jack McKenna’s weather window on Michigan Street.

Good times.

The coolest thing about this monster blizzard was the thunder and lighting. That was the first time I had ever seen that, and I don’t think it’s happened since.

Whole Foods Co-op Classes–Great Gift Ideas!

Do you have a family member, partner, or friend who might enjoy taking a class through the co-op? We have some great classes coming up, and they make a fantastic gift idea at $20 for co-op members, and $25 for non-members. Coming up:

Uber-knowledgeable Celia Linneman returns to teach, “Herbal Crafts for Kids” on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 12:30 – 2 p.m. The class is for kids ages 7-12 and will have them creating some holiday gifts on their own, from salt and sugar scrubs to lip balms.

On Tuesday, Dec. 8, is “Cooking in a Winter Wonderland” featuring WFC’s own Shannon Szymkowiak with super dishes and deep thoughts about eating locally for the wintertime.

Then on Thursday, Dec. 10, from 6-8 p.m raw food guru Emily White returns to teach a “Raw Christmas Goodies” class about indulging in holiday goodies without all the guilt.

Here’s to your health and well-being this holiday season! For more information, go to Thank you.


I was looking through the Duluth reviews on and things are looking sparse and outdated. There are precious few reviews from Duluthians, it’s mostly just weekend tourists. I know you all have strong opinions on the M&H, your dentist, the parking situation in Canal… so go post some reviews, add businesses you don’t see, and let’s make Duluth sound good! Or bad, whichever you prefer.

Ye Olde Traditional Thankfulness Post

TraditionalThanksgivingAllow me to once again lead the PDD Thanksgiving prayer. I’ll go ahead and take friends, family and food for granted as usual.

This year I’m most thankful for dentists, particularly the one who is finally going to fix my cavity next week.

I’m also thankful for Minnesota Care and Delta Dental, which aren’t necessarily the best friends of dentists, but are a big help to me.

I’m also thankful for people who won’t turn the comments to this post into a bitter debate about health care, even though I kind of provoked them.

There. Now what are you thankful for?

(Here’s what we were thankful for in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003.)

Off the Wall Artist Market

Come to seventh annual holiday celebration of art, food and music at the Historic Trade and Commerce Marketplace at Hammond and Broadway in Superior. Off the Wall, Artist Market is in the Red Mug and North End Arts Gallery. Saturday dec. 5 is a building-wide open house, gallery reception in the evening, and live music after in the Red Mug. Off the Wall runs through December. The Red Mug, Duluth Pottery, Art in the Alley and North End Arts Gallery are open daily for the season.