April 2009 Posts

The Score Bar Olympics

Score Bar Olympics Poster

Come play bags toss, beer pong, wii bowling, & darts to compete for the title of the ultimate drinking team! Teams consist of 4-8 people & the entry fee is $5 per person. Includes First Beer Pitcher Free!

Sign up at Score or call 218.623.6706 for details

lots of shots from around here

We\’re Here, We\’re There, We\’re Anywhere


A couple jugglers (amateur is ok) and mimes for HG performance. I’ll pay you 10 bucks.


[email protected]

Happy 100th, West Duluth Masonic Temple


Euclid Masonic Lodge 198 was dedicated on March 31, 1909. State Grand Master Eugene Swan presided over the services. About 800 people attended.

One hundred years later, it appears vacant and up for sale. The location is 611 N. Central Ave.

Get your post Geek Prom freak on

Television Confusion

My beloved 13 year-old television is on its last legs. I bought it on sale for $90 at Shopko when I moved into my first apartment all by myself. It’s a great little tv and it will enjoy being turned into a tele-quarium when it goes to the final analog wave in the sky.

With that, we are in the market for a new television. I have the converter box and antenna. We don’t have cable or satellite. I have no idea what kind of a television to get or what the difference is between them, other than size. I need recommendations and a television geek guru. I’m looking to spend not more than $500. Help, please?

Classic Duluth TV: Mr. Toot and Captain Q

For your enjoyment, clips of the Mr. Toot and Captain Q kids’ shows from — I’m guessing — the early 1960s on what was then WDSM, now KBJR.

Best parts: The starstruck kids introducing themselves to Mr. Toot at the beginning (Peggy, we heard you already!), and Captain Q’s parrot (Angus Mc—–?) helping him pitch Arrowhead milk.

Thanks to YouTube user NorthlandSports, who has posted a number of other vintage Duluth TV clips, including the 1975 KBJR newscast that was featured a few weeks back on the Attic.

Attack of the Flying Gorilla

Move over Bob Dylan, through the miracle of twitter, etc now Duluth has a new claim to fame.


Have you seen this dog?

One of my dogs, Gilda, decided to take herself for a walk today and she has yet to return. She’s tall, reddish in color with white marking (Rhodesian Ridgeback mix), and a sweet, if skiddish, dog. Chester Creek/East Hillside. Please call if you find her. 218-310-6541dscn03911

Perfect Duluth Dye

My girlies dyeing eggs this year OUTDOORS!

My girlies dyeing eggs this year OUTDOORS!

We’ve been having an annual Easter Eve Egg Dyeing Party every year since I decided to participate more in my family rather than just attempt to finance it by working every Saturday.

Where in the Twin Ports?

Is this?

Blogging Policies Revisited

By the power vested in me by the founders of Perfect Duluth Day, I present this update to PDD’s blogging policies.

Promotional Content

It’s perfectly acceptable to promote and sell things through posts on PDD. Just don’t abuse the power.

If you’re planning a quaint yard sale and want to hype all the Judy Collins records you’re selling, that’s fine. If you represent Wham-o, Inc. and post a rant about the awesomeness of the Pop Bang Target Game, which is available for the amazing low price of $24.99, your post will be removed.

Obviously there is a gray area between those examples, but as long as what you’re posting has local relevance and doesn’t come off like an advertorial, there should be few complaints.

Live Improv Comedy – TONIGHT

Renegade Comedy Night at Peasantworks Porch above Hell’s Kitchen in Canal Park. 8pm. $5. That is all.

Found objects on the trail

As the ice and snow have melted from the trails, I notice more have ventured out. These two found objects on the Miller Creek Trail sure beat the graffiti that has been the predominate human additions to the trail the last couple years.

Jewel in tree

Jewel in tree


live among duluth’s greatest expats

So you’re thinking of moving to the Twin Cities. Duluth is home, but you have to trek south for a year. Perhaps it’s for a job, or the love of your life, or you just want to be closer to the Sonic that opened up last year. Whatever your reason, I have a deal for you. Move into the Carleton Artist Lofts and the month of May is rent free.

I know, you’re thinking “What the Gary Doty does this have to do with Duluth?” Well these particular artist lofts are also home to one Dr. Thunder (aka Erik Pearson) and Crystal Meisinger. How could you not want to live alongside these giants among men?

Here’s the linky linky for info. http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/apa/1116070157.html

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!