Duluth’s Rear Ends

You said it, not me.

Whenever I’m out on the roads, I always seem to find myself behind people who are expressing themselves. If I’m at a stoplight, or in the passenger seat, or on foot, I always try to take a photo. After the jump are some of the best shots I’ve taken of this sort.

[Potentially NSFW due to language! Consider yourself warned.]

Feathers -N- Friends

Feathers -N- Friends
Spotted: On Grand Avenue
Just looking at this car makes my asthma flare up. I can’t help but imagine the air quality of this person’s smoky, bird-infested hovel.


Spotted: On Central Entrance
Obviously, this guy is so “entycing” that he goes through a couple of mattresses a week.

C(l)ock Repair

Cock Repair
Spotted: On East 4th Street
This poor fellow. It must be hard enough to eke out a living in the field of clock repair, but then some rotten vandal has to come along with a putty knife and an idea.

My classy neighbors

Spotted: Across the street from my house
This classy gentleman used to be my neighbor. If you don’t know what this pornographic word means, do not Google it at work, in the presence of minors, or when your mom is looking over your shoulder. In fact, don’t Google it at all; you’ll be better off.


Chester Dark

about 15 years ago

I'll steer clear of Mr. Bukkake.

Haven't seen those but I have been noticing several different cars with "123 ALE" plates and I get very thirsty when I'm behind them. Not vanity plates but perfect nevertheless.


about 15 years ago

Damn! You got the Bukkake car! I was hoping I oculd bust out my photo of it for a comment. Though I swear the one I have is a Wisconsin plate.


about 15 years ago

ha, bukkake? WTF? That shouldn't be allowed.

I know where the clock repair guy lives, it's down the street from me!

eco eco

about 15 years ago

Do I dare ask what Buk's bumper stickers say?


about 15 years ago

Alright, I googled bukkake and now have to take a silkwood shower.


about 15 years ago

"Proud Member: Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" and "Don't let liberal media tell you what to think."

It's also interesting to note two of the five cars pictured above are Mercury Cougars.


about 15 years ago

That "C*ock Repair" guy has to stencil his van every other week. I've seen well more than one makeshift "i" filling in the blank over the past few years. He parks half a block down from ObsCuriosities.


about 15 years ago

Ha ha ha! The Old Bat plate is my mom's car. :) She is the DMV lady in Two Harbors. She's done it for 37 years in all parts of the state. How awesome you got it on there. She calls herself that, and has a great sense of humor. You have to, to be a tax collector for 37 years. :) We don't make the rules, we just follow them. I'm getting a plate too....that says...BBBat. hee hee. As in baby bat. Too cool that you noticed:) Thanks for her 15 mins of fame! O and I have asthma too! *giggle* (aaacccchhhooooo) ;)


about 15 years ago

ROFLMAO!!!!! silkwood shower. too cute! love it!

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