Pets Posts

PDD Video Lab: Duluth Ship Canal Dog Rescue Footage

The Duluth Fire Department released video footage today of a Dec. 7 dog rescue in the Duluth Shipping Canal. The five segments of footage were shot by cameras controlled by the Aerial Lift Bridge’s engineer. The clips were dark and choppy, but the PDD Video Lab has slapped them together, brightened the scenes a bit, trimmed it all down and added a music track — “A Shoreline Dream” by Hypermode featuring Ulrich Schnauss.

Help raise donations for the pets of CHUM

A group of citizens is raising money for the local pets who find their way to CHUM. We’re looking to provide CHUM with donations of dog and cat food, as well as cat litter, to help them out. We have multiple ways to donate: PayPal, GoFundMe, an Amazon shopping list, or just having us swing by and pick something up from you!

If you are willing to send us some cash to help provide food and litter for the cats and dogs who find their way to CHUM, please visit

Duluth Dog Etiquette

Last Thursday, shortly after 6 p.m., I was out for a walk with my dog on the west side of Chester Creek between Skyline and Eighth Street. We were heading up the trail and passed a gentleman out for a jog with his two dogs, heading down the trail.

As we approached each other I said, “Hello, my dog’s friendly.”

He replied with, “Hi. My dogs are not,” and kept running.

Dusty the Trail Dawg

DustyDogDusty the Trail Dog joins cyclists Jon Wells and Kyle Stark on the “Bones of the Beast” section of the Piedmont trail system in Duluth.

Tenancy Questions: Pets, etc.

A friend of mine is in a state of post-graduation flux. He’s been asked to renew his lease. He has days to decide. He might be relocating, so renewing is committing before he knows what his job prospects are.

1. He may know within a few weeks. How does one sweet-talk a landlord into extending a lease for a few months?

Duluth opens second dog park

Duluth’s Parks and Recreation Division announced today that a fenced, off-leash dog park has officially opened at Observation Park, located on West Third Street between Ninth and Tenth avenues west. Features of the new dog park include a double-gated entry so leashes can be removed safely before entering the dog park, a separate small dog area for dogs 20 pounds or less, and off-street parking (at the Tenth Street dead end). Observation Dog Park is the second such park in Duluth. The first, Keene Creek Dog Park, located in Keene Creek Park in West Duluth on Grand Avenue and 62nd Avenue West, opened in 2006. Both dog parks are open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Individuals interested in supporting Duluth Dog Parks are encouraged to email Denette Lynch at duluthdogparks @

Walking the dog in Duluth, Cali style

Video by John Jenkins.

Lost Siamese Cat in Lower Chester

We foolishly let the cat outside Saturday morning (Sept. 20) and she took off. Conveniently she is not ours. Her tag says “Rosie” or possibly “Billy” and has an 847 landline phone number which no longer exists … greaaat. She’s white with black paws and a black face, she’s pretty small, we like to say “fun size.” She’s very cherished by my father-in-law and brother-in-law and we need to get her back. Please call me as soon as possible at 575-741-1054 if you have her, or even think you spotted her somewhere, otherwise we are in deep s&%$.

Chocolate Lab mix found in Lakewood

An old, somewhat overweight Chocolate Lab mix adopted us on Thursday, Sept. 3, during the thunderstorms. We call him Grizzly because his fur has a grizzly bear look to it. He has a shock collar on him. It’s red. His other collar is light blue. He has no tags. I’ve checked Animal Allies and the pound for any report of a lost dog matching this description. No luck. If you recognize this description please e-mail me at madewithaview @

Dog-friendly Duluth

I was reading comments to convince my girlfriend, and saw one reader post that Duluth is sooo dog friendly.

We have just moved from the Twin Cities and I have struggled finding dog-friendly places. Where we lived in the Cities, there were huge dog parks with hiking trails where we could safely let our dog off-leash (and get exercise ourselves), dog-friendly businesses to visit, dog day cares, cafes you could bring your dog, and a lot of special events. (It probably helped that there are publications like Sidewalk Dog to point you in the right direction).

The one tiny dog park in Duluth is inadequate to say the least (we won’t visit again), and while I’ve heard about the Superior Hiking Trail, in many places in Duluth it seems too close to roads to feel comfortable letting my dog off leash (also am not sure how easy it would be to hike it in the winter).

So, dog owners — what are your tips for great places to bring your dog? Where can you let your dog off-leash? I work in Duluth and am staying in Cloquet until we find a permanent place to settle, so am curious about any Cloquet/Esko tips as well.
