Geeky Posts

Look for a guy with a goat skull on his head…

I found an interesting discussion about a possible video-game/real-life event happening over at /r/duluth/. Maybe we can help solve this mystery?

Virgin Mobile claws back TBT hashtag

Twitter nerds will understand this. Hashtag humor. It’s a niche category.

Click the image to go to the referenced Instagram pic of Trampled by Turtles playing at a Virgin Mobile event. Our boys are growing up. *sigh*

When at Krenzen Service Center …

My way of passing the time yesterday at Krenzen . . .

Take advantage of the huge curved blackboard set up next to the waiting area – a great way to pass the time while the Honda gets serviced.

Community Education: Hanging with Hams

I’m working my way through the options in Community Ed, and the gem this semester has to be Introduction to Amateur Radio.

UMD Grad Dr. Brian Kobilka Wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry

Brian Kobilka, a 1977 UMD Chemistry graduate, has won a share in the 2012 Nobel Prize for chemistry. Dr. Kobilka can be heard in an interview with a representative from the Nobel Organization at

Photog seeking props

I’m working on a little side project, more or less some product shots. I’m looking to borrow a few items that I haven’t been able to turn up while thrifting which has been mind boggling seeing as how they are pretty common items. Well, for the most part. I think I should only need these for a day, two tops.

What a week for nerds!

What a week for nerds! Sept. 11 was the sellout Nerd Nite at Teatro Zuccone.

Nerd Nite, organized by Jer Nilsen, Crystal Pelkey, and Adam Brisk, is nearly a religious ritual for me.

(It helps that Reverend Lee attends nearly every one. If you haven’t read this pastor from United Church of Two Harbors‘s recent column about upcoming constitutional amendments, you haven’t heard what the voice of religious conviction sounds like, when it is committed to the search for truth, rather than its presumption. See here or the Lake County News Chronicle for more.)

Nerd Nite is where I take new Duluthians to find community, to experience people who share their passions and their humor.

Get your geek on for fall

Fall is in the air and a young nerd’s fancy turns to thoughts of gaming!

The Perilous Inlet 1 & 2

[Part two of this video series is no longer available.]

(Regular readers may recognize the first couple of minutes of part 2 as I already released those, teaser-style, not too long ago. Now the gruesome conclusion may be shown.)

Is that the lift bridge?

Is that the lift bridge at 2:56? I also thought the fireworks scene looked vaguely Duluthy at first but on second and third glance I don’t see how it could be, the bridge is in the wrong position related to the fireworks unless they are coming from Superior. Anyone else care to take a stab at it?

What’s a geek to do in town?

I’m going to be moving to Duluth in the next couple months and was wondering what kind of nerdy stuff is around town.

What’s the best computer store in town for components? Somewhere where they’ll know what a GTX680 is. Are there any hacker/maker clubs? I’m also interested in volunteering; does anyone know of a computer refurbishing program? Are there any local tech websites or handouts?

I know there are more nerds like me; what are you up to?

He got married but … you get the presents!

If you haven’t become a member, or even if you have, check this sweet deal out on Blacklist’s Beer+Art Project! Only a few more days left to back this Kickstarter project and make it happen in Duluth!

Minnesota Flood 2012: Is that the best name we’ve come up with for it?

It seems to me the best local storm names tend to be tied to a holiday or otherwise significant date:

Leap Day Snowmageddon 2012
The Geek Prom Blizzard of 2008
The Halloween Megastorm of 1991

The Great Thanksgiving Blizzard of 1983

Following that tradition, our recent flood would be the Summer Solstice Flood of 2012. But I haven’t heard anyone call it that, and it’s been over a month.

What are you calling it? Any good ideas? Maybe if we come up with a good one there will be more federal relief money sent our way, so perhaps we should work the word “disaster” in.

Google Fiber up for registration in Kansas

I think Duluth needs to start a pre-registration campaign to show Google we are serious and want to be next to get Google Fiber. Pre-register here.

Duluth National Citizen Survey 2012

The results of the Duluth National Citizen Survey are now available. Click here to open the PDF.

The report provides the opinions of a representative sample of residents about community quality of life, service delivery, civic participation and unique issues of local interest.

  • 78 percent of respondents felt the quality of life in Duluth was “excellent” or “good.”
  • 56 percent of respondents felt Duluth was headed in the right direction.
  • 72 percent rated Duluth’s image or reputation as “excellent” or “good.”
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