Geek Prom Posts

Geek Prom rip off or homage?

“First ever Geek Prom set for Tango’s Ballroom”

2009 Geek Royalty


All hail the new King and Queen of Geek Prom, James Ellingson and Rachael Gilman.

Get your post Geek Prom freak on

Sci Fi Spelling Bee

scifi_spelling_bee.jpgOn April 18 I’m going to be hosting the first ever Sci Fi Spelling Bee at the Geek Prom and I need your help. I’m looking for words, terms, people and place names, and so on that are native to some science fiction franchise for use in the bee.

Please give me the following information for your entry.

Word (eg – phaser, Kashyyyk, frak)

Origin (what franchise) (eg – Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica)

Usage (eg – “Set your phaser to stun!” “Chewbacca went back to Kashyyyk.” “What the frak are you talking about?”)

If possible also give me some Documentation (a web link would be good) supporting your entry.

Also, these words don’t have to be hard. They can be fairly simple or intermediate words. They just have to be sci fi words.

So that we don’t spill the beans on all the words for the contestants, please don’t put them in the comments, but send them to me at [email protected].

Thanks for your help! This should be fun!

Attention Sr. Nerds


The Earlynerd Special is in effect. Discounted tickets to Geek Prom are available now online.

Listen to Jonathan Lee rant about Geek Prom on KUMD here.

Read about Geek Prom in Living North Magazine here. (You have to navigate to pages 24-25. I like that the story is in the Healthy Living section.)

Music at this year’s Geek Prom by Tim Kaiser, Paul Broman and Best Friends Forever.