Cooking Posts

Chicken Alley Backyard Hangout #1

Leon Rohrbaugh’s backyard adventures in Duluth’s Chester Park neighborhood are making their way to YouTube. In episode one, Leon’s son Miles returns from eight days leading 10 teenagers on a 64-mile hike on the Superior Hiking Trail, and it’s no surprise they want burgers.

Cooking on the Car: Northern Pike on the Manifold

This is the second episode of Cooking on the Cars’ west coast road trip.

Cooking on the Car: Fish House Tacos

Okay we’re finally going to get back to this “Cooking on the Car” thing. Here’s the first segment of our West Coast trip that we took a few years back. We have a ton of footage from that trip so there will be many more episodes to document this awesome road trip. Thanks for your patience. Peace.

Cooking on the Car: Beer Cheese Soup Finale

Cooking on the Car serves up Beer Cheese Soup in Washburn, Wis.

Cooking on the Car: Jiffy Pop for Beer Cheese Soup

The Beer Cheese soup is simmering in the glove box slow cooker and the bean dip is warming on the manifold. It’s time to pop some popcorn to finish this meal.

Amy Klobuchar’s Hot Dish Recipe

Amy Klobuchar’s Taconite Tater Tot Hot Dish recipe is now available for all who remember when tater tots were not the enemy of school lunches that Michelle Obama has made them out to be in her campaign to bring health lunches to schools. Anyone else notice the irony of this “situation?”