Videos Posts

Low – “Witches”

Live from the Larimer Lounge in Denver, Colo., Dec. 18, 2010. Video by Manuel Aragon.

Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse 2010

Reshaping Live Electronica

Calling all computer-music fans! Dig this! 3 Reaktor ensembles running simultaneously through Live6. The main keyboard (with cleverly placed stickers) houses a dominant ‘effect’ range (left 8 white keys) and a dominant ‘loop’ range (right 8 white keys). The other two midi boards are used for volume, some delay effects, reverb (and it’s decay), and misc. VST’s. I created the loops in Live6 prior to loading them into this set to record. Enjoy!

PS: I apologize for the sound getting a bit nasty in there. it was recorded from an iPhone, hanging on a ceiling fan.

TCF Bank Stadium Snow Removal

Video of TCF Bank Stadium snow cleanup via the Minnesota Gophers Facebook page, which notes it took “15,000 man hours.”

Metrodome Roof Collapse Video

Kind of like the Vikings’ 2010 season collapsed, right?.

Cloud Cult & Caroline Smith

Two new music videos shot in Duluth by North Shore Sessions:

Cloud Cult – Bobby’s Spacesuit (acoustic)

Caroline Smith Duo – Eagle’s Nest / Callio

A snowy drive on Seven Bridges Road

Shot by Greg Connor on Thanksgiving Day.

Funny Duluth Video

Dann gets a suit at Mainstream Fashions for Men.

Minnesota Night Sky Time-lapse Video

Shot last month in central St. Louis County by Brian Peterson.

New video about CHUM in Duluth

Video Archive: Duluth’s Lake Place Park — “the park in the sky” — under construction

From KBJR-TV, Oct. 25, 1990.

[Note: This video was removed by the YouTube user.]

You’ll notice the headlines from 20 years ago seem to mirror those of today. Before Barbara Reyelts’ piece on Lake Place Park, which starts 2 minutes into the video, you’ll see the president refusing to raise taxes, gas prices rising and ramp closures on local freeways.

Among the commercials at the end of the video is one for the late Senator Paul Wellstone, who back then was campaigning to replace Rudy Boschwitz.

Video Archive: Dennis Anderson knocks down a few Grain Belts and shows off the film equipment

This video appears to be from the early 1970s. Watch the high-pressure air send Denny’s hairpiece flying! (Plus bonus footage: A Jack McKenna forecast.)

North Shore Sessions Sarah Krueger and Russian Bride

Videos for Sarah Krueger and Russian Bride via :

Buck battle in St. Paul

Shot by Craig Kuberski on Monday through his basement window.

Public art install at the DECC (plus special bonus footage of Oberstar-Cravaack supporters leaving the scene!)