Photos Posts

It’s a battle of dinosaurs

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The Whacko Yard Art Photo Scanvenger Hunt is over and the finalists are Mary and Mark. (Sorry, Barrett, but you missed the deadline. Those rules are there for a reason, mister.)

I said I’d allow comments to sway my decision, so those with a strong opinion on who should win have until … oh, let’s say noon … to make their voices heard. After lunch I’ll return from my chambers with a decision.

Whack Job Yard Art: Can I Get an Extension?

Whack Job 1

Whack Job 2

OK, so it’s after 10 p.m., but I thought I had until midnight to enter the Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt. Nonetheless, I’d like to submit these beauties.

These signs are located on Highway 53 near Cotton. I took these photos today, but the guy who makes these signs changes them every now and then. I remember back during the whole French Fries/Freedom Fries debate, he had a sign up that said, “Piss on the Poodles” with a picture of a French flag and, of course, a poodle.

When I was a kid, my family had a cabin near Cotton, and these signs always entertained me. Also, back then he had a sign advertising timber wolf pups for sale, which would always stir elaborate Jack London-esque fantasies in my young mind.

Anyway, I know I’m late. But I still wanted to share these pics. Perhaps I can get an honorable mention.

Kind of whacko yard art along North Shore


Whacko Yard Art: Stickin’ It To The Man Edition.

Now, I don’t know if this counts, because I took these pictures back in September and I don’t know if it’s still standing (it looks like parts of it were made out of papier-mâché, so I’m not sure how it would’ve fared through the winter months), but it was definitely in a yard and it was definitely art.

And yeah, definitely a little whacko, too.

(East Superior Street, near the Northland Country Club, 9/21/08.)

Whacko Yard Art: Here Comes Santa Claus Edition.

I love Christmas trim!   The more, the merrier, I always say.   Fortunately, that’s not an uncommon sentiment in the Ashland area, so around Christmastime there’s plenty to enjoy.

One shining jewel in the Garland City’s crown?   This fabulous yard display on the east end of town:

I love it!   There’s so much, it’s hard to find an angle to get it all in the frame at once!

Now, heaps of Christmas trim alone don’t make this whacko yard art.   I get that.   The devil’s in the details on this one:

1.  This picture was taken on Tuesday.  This week.

2.  The people who own this house are known around town as “The Cowboy and Mrs. Cowboy.”    (They run the local Subway franchise, and like all local fast food franchise operators, they are local celebrities.)  Also: The Cowboy sidelines as an Abraham Lincoln impersonator every February.

3.  While the majority of this display is store-bought and/or inflatable, there are some fabulous homespun touches throughout that really shouldn’t be missed.  My favorite:  the Santas up front…especially Patriot Santa.

Oh, yeah, and they squeezed a little Jesus in there, too.

Petus Rockus


Petus Rockus. This rock was found in Keene Creek, left here by the Wisconsin Glacier 23,648 years ago. Placed on this stand May 1985 by Ken Seehus.

Tough day in the O.R.?


Loiselle Liquor understands, and is there to fill your needs.

I think it’s actually the word “daily” that I find most alarming.

Vandalism, Art, or Insanity?

Installation 1

Taking advantage of the nice weather today, I went for a walk in Leif Erickson Park, where I found several of these “installations” for lack of a better word. If you can’t quite make it out, these are eggs stuffed into pantyhose and thrown up into a tree.

Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt


While running errands today I came across this lovely piece of yard art. I’m posting it as a challenge, because I know you can do better. And because a piddly blizzard like today’s is no excuse to stay inside.

Announcing the PDD Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt

You have until 10 p.m. next Thursday, March 19, to post the most awesome yard art photo on this Web site.

Duluth’s Rear Ends

You said it, not me.

Whenever I’m out on the roads, I always seem to find myself behind people who are expressing themselves. If I’m at a stoplight, or in the passenger seat, or on foot, I always try to take a photo. After the jump are some of the best shots I’ve taken of this sort.

[Potentially NSFW due to language! Consider yourself warned.]

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth is this?

WP – Photo Gallery – North Shore

Below is an example of adding images  in WP using the gallery option.

I clicked insert an image. Choose from  computer, select files, browsed & selected all 9 images I wanted at once and uploaded all of them at one time. Very Slick! 😉 Then I added captions to all 9, selected Gallery tab, selected my options for the gallery and hit insert gallery to post.  That’s it.

Duluth Fourth Street Time Lapse

An hour in 20 seconds.

From the Big Box of Photos in My Basement | 1989

Neck injury

Neck injury

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was in Paramedic school. Our last project before graduation was a mock disaster that was held in the White Bear Lake Middle School. I had forgotten how all out we went in preparations for the drill. Moulage and fake smoke were used with great effect.The day after the drill we flew to Colorado Springs for our exams which we all failed over a technicality. We had to wait a month to take them over.

PDD Banners on Flickr

Check ’em out here.