wainosunrise Posts

Antiwar Protest

Below is the agenda for today’s anti-war protest in Duluth.

Oct. 11 Anti-War Protest

Protest the ongoing wars! Bring the troops and war dollars home now! Money for jobs and education – not war and occupation!

Monday, Oct. 11, 5-7pm

Report on the Tax Day Anti-War Protest

by Adam Ritscher

Bring our war dollars home!” was the message of the more than 120 protesters who participated in the Northland Anti-War Coalition’s April 15 Tax Day protest. The event was held to highlight the fact that hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax dollars are being wasted every year on the unjust wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. At the same time this is going on federal, state and local governments are being forced to cut social programs due to budget shortfalls. The NAWC protest called for our tax dollars to be spent on human needs, rather than war.

Protest the 7th Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

This March 19 will mark the 7th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. During these past seven years hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans have needlessly lost their lives – and millions more have had their lives disrupted by physical and psychological injuries, by having their homes demolished, and losing loved ones. And tragically, after the passage of all of this time, there is no real end in sight.

To show our continued opposition to this senseless war, and to remind the powers that be that the people still insist on immediate withdrawal, we are calling on all of you to join us, yet again, in taking to the streets!

On Friday, March 19, the Northland Anti-War Coalition is going to be holding three vigils/pickets at different times of the day, in different parts of Duluth. Our goal is to raise the anti-war banner high to remind that public that the war is still being waged, and show that there is still a vibrant anti-war movement for them to join. Please try to find time in your day to join us for one or more of these vigils.

Newspaper Guild Pickets the DNT

(The article below was originally posted to the Northern Worker blog at www.northernworker.wordpress.com)

by Adam Ritscher

On Thursday, February 25 about 80 members and supporters of the Lake Superior Newspaper Guild gathered in front of the Duluth News-Tribune offices for an informational picket. The Newspaper Guild represents the reporters and other workers at the DNT.

Forum on “The Struggle for Abortion Rights”

Sunday, January 24 at 7pm
Duluth Building for Women at 32 E. 1st St.
(basement meeting room)
To mark the anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, you’re invited to a panel discussion on abortion rights. Speaking will be Heather Bradford, Chere Suzette Bergeron and Linda Gokee-Rindal. After the presentations there’ll be an open discussion period.

This event is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by Socialist Action and the UMD Reproductive Justice Collective. Bring a friend!

Oct. 17 Twin Ports Anti-War Protest

Oct. 17 Duluth Anti-War March & Rally

Saturday, October 17 is a national day of local actions against the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Around the country over 40 cities and towns will be holding protests, among them will be Duluth, Minnesota.

To give local citizens an opportunity to demonstrate their opposition to the ongoing wars this country is waging, we’ll be holding a march and rally in downtown Duluth starting at noon. We’ll be assembling at the Clayton, Jackson & McGhie Memorial at the corner of 2nd Ave. E. & E. 1st Street. From there we’ll march to the Duluth Federal Building.

Same-sex marriage rally in Duluth Oct. 11

On Sunday, Oct. 11 hundreds of thousands of supporters of equal rights and same-sex marriage will be marching on Washington D.C.


For those in the Northland who can’t make it D.C. for this historic event, we’re going to be holding a solidarity protest here in Duluth. The protest will begin at noon, and will be held at the MN Power Plaza at the corner of Lake Ave. & Superior Street.

The plan is a simple one – we’ll be holding signs and handing out fliers to pedestrians. There will be a brief rally featuring several local activists as speakers. We also plan on having an open mic after wards for anyone else who wants to share some words.

We’ll have a few extra signs on hand, but if you can please bring your own – and be sure to bring a friend!

If you would like more info you can contact Adam Ritscher at [email protected]

Anti-War Vigil on October 5


October marks 8 years since the invasion of Afghanistan. 8 years of air strikes and rising death tolls; 8 years of waiting for reconstruction and economic development assistance; 8 years and more than $200 billion of US tax dollars squandered on armed conflict.

Pickwick restaurant settles with the Union

On Monday, Sept. 21, at around 11:30 a.m., the Pickwick Restaurant agreed to settle with the union, and re-hire the workers it had illegally fired for union activity.

Boycott the Pickwick Restaurant!

Following months of unsuccessful negotiations and numerous unfair labor practices, Workers United Local 99 is asking that the public boycott the Pickwick restaurant.

FORUM: Israel – Democracy for Whom?

This Saturday, July 13, 4:30 PM at the Quaker Meeting House, 1802 East 1st Street, Duluth

Israel: Democracy for Whom?
Featuring Dr. Smadar Lavie, Hubert H. Humphrey Professor on Islam and the Middle East, Macalester College

How do the majority of Israel’s own Jewish citizens fare under its regime, and can the struggles of oppressed Jewish minorities be linked to those of the Palestinians? Can Jews and Arabs coexist peacefully in a single, democratic state? An ethnic Misrahi Jew and citizen of Israel, Dr. Lavie has faced repression as a result of speaking out for Mizrahi and Arab rights and for a peaceful, one-state solution for Palestine.

Sponsored by the Northland Anti-War Coalition:
(715) 394-6660 – www.northlandantiwar.blogspot.com

Forum on “The Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage”

“The Struggle for Same Sex Marriage”

Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 7:00pm
UMD Kirby Student Center Room 333
College Street, Duluth, MN

The issues of whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal has become one of the defining issues of our age. Politicians and conservatives have done all they can to make divisive political hay out of what at its heart is really a question of basic human rights. You are invited to a presentation on why same-sex marriage should be legal, and what we can do to help make it happen.

SPEAKER: Mike Rogge
SPONSOR: Socialist Action


Forum on the Death Penalty & Mumia Abu-Jamal

Saturday, April 25 at 6pm in the basement meeting room
of the Chester Creek Cafe at 1902 E. 8th St.,Duluth, MN

You are invited to a public forum on the struggle to end the death penalty, and to free political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The tragic continued use of the death penalty has inspired millions to fight against it, and the case of Mumia has come to symbolize what is wrong with the death penalty, and our criminal ‘justice’ system in general. Speaking at this event will be a panel of local activists from Amnesty International and Northwoods for Mumia. After the presentations there will be an open discussion. There will also be a birthday card for Mumia for people who would like to sign it [April 24 is Mumia’s birthday]. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Sponsored by Northwoods for Mumia
P.O. Box 16853, Duluth MN 55816
[email protected] – (715) 394-6660

Forum on “The Troubled History of Afghanistan”

Sunday, Feb. 8 @ 7pm
UMD Kirby Student Center Room 333

You’re invited a forum on the troubled history of Afghanistan. With both the Democrats and Republicans talking about the need to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and the corporate media going right along with them calling it the “good war” – it’s crucial for activists to understand the history and dynamics of this land, and why we need to oppose this war.

Speaking will be Adam Ritscher. If you are unable to attend, but interested in the topic, email him at [email protected] for a copy of the speech.

Lake Superior Socialist Action
PO Box 16853, Duluth MN 55816
(715) 394-6660