David Beard Posts

Human Fabric, continued

This week’s Human Fabric story gives me the feels.

Ice Cream Delicacy in West Duluth by Denfeld

I tasted T-Icy Roll Ice Cream yesterday at 4602 Grand Ave., next to an old favorite, Zhong Hua.

“Seen or Heard Sasquatch? Report Discreetly.”

This ad appeared in the Sunday Duluth News Tribune and other Forum Communications publications. I bet there’s a story here.

If you’ve heard or seen something similar to what is described below, we want to know. You are one of many people in this area who have had a possible encounter. You’re not crazy. This is real, and I want to hear from you. If you’ve experienced High Pitched Sustained Screams, Long Howls, much deeper then that of a Wolf or Coyote, Loud Penetrating Roars, Grunts, Growls, Wood Knocks, Yelps, Whoops, Barks, Stacked Rock Displays, Stick Shelters, Organized Tree Structures made with Uprooted Uncut Sticks, or even if you’ve seen Heard Indistinguishable Talking, found Footprints or witnessed the Animal itself, please contact me. Your name will not be used without express permission from you. As a side note, it can be quite liberating to speak to someone who knows the truth. I want nothing from you except your story. Call, Text or email me. Jeff 651-302-3800, jjs5perctr @ gmail.com

Saving the Brays

This past weekend I met Kym Garvey, who has been rescuing donkeys for about 10 years, now as part of the larger mission of Save the Brays Donkey Rescue.

Duluthians visit “Art and Healing”

It was nearly three hours from the Twin Ports to the Minneapolis Institute of Art in South Minneapolis to visit the opening of “Art and Healing: In the Moment.” But Duluth is participating in a national dialogue on race; it has for decades, since we started to acknowledge our own history of racial violence and our current racial inequalities. Participating in a national conversation means listening to what others have to say, about their experiences, too.

Music Man, on Three Levels

I sat in the balcony to watch a preview (or Sponsor Night) performance of The Music Man by the Duluth Playhouse at the Norshor Theatre. The performance was enjoyable, the text is enjoyable, if complicated for the 21st century, and as this was my first trip into the new Norshor, I have some thoughts about that.

Associative Agnosia and a Writer Born in Duluth

Michael Fedo on Associative Agnosia:

During my 1940s and 50s elementary school years in Duluth, Minnesota, I was the only boy in my class who could not identify automobiles by make. Chevrolets, Fords, Plymouths—all appeared indistinct to me. I couldn’t recognize one from another, unless I happened to spot the name on its hood or trunk.

Fascinating read by one of Duluth’s most prominent exports, in the new issue of You & Me.

Local Poet, Global Community, World Literature

Jayson Iwen has co-translated a significant poem by Salim Barakat, a Kurdish-Syrian poet.

It’s a love poem, and as co-translator Huda Fakhreddine says, “Dylana and Diram’s love infiltrates and overwhelms the landscape. Barakat does not use images of nature to draw analogies with their relationship. The spiritual and sensual bond between them consumes nature and natural scenery and transforms it into a mere manifestation of a surging emotional deluge.”

The poem can be read in the prestigious World Literature Today.

Three Festivals

Festival season is here. I didn’t get to the Park Point Art Fair until after it had closed on Saturday, but that was OK. I was only really there because I wanted to check out the gluten-free fair food. Auntie M’s Gluten Free Fair food tempted me to make the drive to the end of the Point.

How much tension is there when the game goes 15 innings?

Friends of mine went to watch the Duluth Huskies play in Thunder Bay … at the Duluth Buffalo Wild Wings, where they are given a screen for away games. (Locally, this minor league baseball team plays at Wade Stadium. They can be heard on both AM and FM radio, too.) It’s super-cool to see our minor-league team play on the TV next to the big guys.

A recent outing lasted 15 innings. Read more about that at northwoodsleague.com. Is there a 14th inning stretch? Maybe you love baseball and you can tell me what it’s like?

Boards and Brews

I’ve attended two fun games nights lately. “Boards & Brews” is an event sponsored by UMD Alumni Relations, Bent Paddle Brewing, and Dungeon’s End Game Store. UMD provides snacks, Bent Paddle sells beer, and Dungeon’s End teaches games.

Golfing in Duluth

From the Enger course Facebook page.

I was talking sports, violence, and masculinity with friends and as we rattled through sports that made me, at least, uncomfortable, I went for the one I know I like — golf. No one gets hurt (football) or damaged (running). Yes, there are stories of obsessive coaches doing immense damage to their charges, but I imagine those coaches would have abused anyway — the sport of golf just normalized the behavior.

Maybe golf is what we need, what I need. Golf may be a good walk, ruined, to some, but I could stand a good walk.

Duluth’s Robot Rickshaw is the geekiest thing

Jeff Pesek of Tech{dot}MN celebrates Duluth’s Robot Rickshaw in the article “Robot Rickshaw is the geekiest thing in Minnesota’s tech scene.”

A rapidly-deployable, human-driven, two wheeled cart full of robots that play music. Piloted by a lunatic in a hazmat suit+teddy bear.

Rickshaw is Troy Rogers, and the article is cool.

Yu and J’s in the Miller Hill Mall — already gone?

I loved Yu and J’s Grilled Subs in the Miller Hill Mall. I loved that is was independently owned. I loved the tang of the bulgogi sauce (and wish we had more Asian alternatives in Duluth.)

but the lights are out …  I hope those tasty recipes will appear in a summer festival cart or a food truck or some other wonderful venue. Please let me know.

The new issue of Freshwater Review has been published

Internal Landscape oil painting by Natalie Salminen Rude

The new issue of Freshwater Review has been published. It is the College of St. Scholastica’s student-run annual journal of literature and art, including work by writers and artists throughout the region.

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