marybue Posts

Mary Bue in a Nashville recording studio contest

Hello Duluth! Mary Bue here. I’m a local-loving singer-songwriter who got her start in this sweet old city that we choose to live. I’ve taken these songs around the country but keep coming back … and now, I’m asking for your votes!  

I’ve submitted to a contest at a recording studio in Nashville called Welcome to 1979. The contest is called “Live to Lathe” — essentially five bands will have the opportunity to record a live album straight to vinyl. Welcome to 1979 Studio will print 500 copies for us to do with what we will — capturing a 26-to-32-minute moment in time. No edits, no auto-tune, if you fuck up it’s on the record. So, super daunting and super exciting!  

If you are on Facebook, please vote for me! You can vote every single day and I will sing like a bird with gratitude! Of course, vote for whomever you want, but either way, it’s a super cool contest and you’ll learn about some sweet bands from around the country. Thank you for your time!

Kickstart Mary Bue’s Art

I’m in the middle of recording my 4.5th record “Apple in the Ocean” at Sacred Heart Music Center. Moving back to Duluth from Seattle, this was one of my goals of returning to town — to record in that stunning cathedral and work with my talented musician/sound engineer friends and play that gorgeous grand piano. I’m proposing to you to help support my project — and I’m over halfway there! You can pre-order the record and get some other goodies too at my Kickstarter page.

Thank you so much for your support and it has been pretty awesome to be back here and reconnect with so many of you. Wonderful musical, artistic and community things are happening, just as I remember it!

Photo of Dusty Olson and Scott Jurek in April issue of Runner’s World Magazine!

Not only did Duluth help raise the lovely Olympian runner Kara Goucher for a short time at Duluth East,  but ultramarathoner Scott Jurek calls it his hometown.

As I opened up this month’s issue to the article about Jurek,  I had to giggle with shock at the photo of he and another D-town personality, Dusty Olson!  Go buy the issue today!  And, oh,  start running, too.