jen Posts

The Theater Formerly Known As Omnimax

I’m looking for more info on the old Omnimax and the D-Box experience. How does one get a D-Box ticket? What’s it like? How much does it cost? Is it worth it?

Lake Superior Barrels Project Blog

The Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has started a project blog for its investigation into the Lake Superior barrels. The site will be used to update the public during the field work this summer.

What happened to DJ Mouse?

The past few Sundays we’ve noticed that our favorite Caribbean Roots/DJ Mouse programming on KUMD seems to be lacking DJ Mouse. Does anyone know what happened?

The Cost of Food

According to the USDA, the weekly cost of food on a “thrifty” budget in 2011 is $40.60 for men and $36.20 for women (19-50 years old). For my household of two, that comes to $10.97/day. I am now undertaking a challenge to base our household food budget off these numbers. This budget seems reasonable (even generous), but I have been spending about twice that amount on groceries and alcohol each week.

Unfortunately, an easy solution would be to eat off the McDonald’s dollar menu for three meals a day or to switch from the Co-op to Sam’s Club. Thankfully it’s harvest season and we have lots of fresh and canned produce from our garden already paid for. 

USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food

How much a week do you spend on groceries in the Duluth-Superior region? Any tips for frugal grocery options? Comments on the price of food?

Duluth Motorcycle Mechanics

I am looking for a mechanic to help me keep my 1988 Honda NX250 running. Preferably a mom-and-pop shop for all my motorcycle repair needs, or someone who works on bikes on the side for cash/barter. Will drive up to 100 miles outside of the Twin Ports if needed. Any advice is appreciated!

Duluth concert tickets — Buy Local?

I propose that the city of Duluth only issue event licenses under the condition that tickets must be purchasable locally. For example, do I really have to pay Ticketmaster $11.37 in handling fees for a $35 concert ticket at Bayfront Festival Park this summer? A 32 percent markup paid to a California company? I would much rather pay any ticket markup to a local record store or nonprofit. Or, directly to the city for that matter. Anything to keep the money in our community, not exporting it to a corporation in California. Maybe I am missing something?

Where can we watch ultimate fighting in the Twin Ports?

We’ve tried Buffalo Wild Wings, which is a fun place, but it’s always good to have some options. Where else can one partake in the UFC ritual in this area?

Do I have the right to drive to work without seeing dead fetuses?

Apparently not. Corner of First Street and First Avenue East. The fact is, I cannot get to the parking lot for work without driving by, and often getting stopped at a light, near signs of dead fetuses.

Locally made art tiles?

Does anyone have any suggestions for local artists or galleries that sell ceramic tiles? I am looking for just a few to accent a new bathroom wall tiling project. I have seen Liz Siverston’s set of otters, moose, fox, and bear (very cute and colorful!), and there are some really neat ones at the Art Dock in DeWitt Seitz that are black and cream colored with birds. Is there anywhere else you suggest I look?

What is the risk of earthquakes in Duluth?

Does anyone know about the seismic issues in this area? What kind of risk are we at for an earthquake? If one occurred in Lake Superior, could a tsunami be generated? If so, how big? Any other relevant facts or thoughts related to this?

Major earthquakes and shifts in weather patterns seem to be the norm these days. Does this align with anyone’s scientific knowledge or religious beliefs associated with the “End Times”? And, if you think it is the end times, is Duluth a good place to be? I sure think it is.