ennyman Posts

Duluth named a top city for foodies by Livability.com

DSC05565A cool story crossed news desks yesterday. Duluth is once again on the national radar as a very special place. Last year Outside magazine gave us kudos. Now it’s Livability.com. Here are the details.

Economic effect of the arts in Minnesota is big

DSC05985 2A couple weeks ago Creative Minnesota went on a road show to promote the findings of a major study. The data showed the arts have been having a major economic effect in Minnesota. The Arrowhead is the second-most vibrant region, though it is only the fourth largest in population. Here’s more information on what was presented.

Year In Review: Artist Interviews 2014 — July to December

New work by Elizabeth Kuth

New work by Elizabeth Kuth

All-in-all it has been an exciting year in the local Twin Ports art scene. I was able to interview and share the work of more than 25 artists again this year. My blog post today links to 15 of those interviews that were shared at Ennyman’s Territory from July through December.

Interviews with Local Artists

End of the year means summing up what’s been happening in 2014 so we can turn forward and face the new year. This morning I posted links to many of the interviews with local artists that I had the privilege of sharing from January through June. This was another great year for arts happenings here in the Twin Ports. Here are some of the people who make it happen.

Samples of her previous work.

Work by Karen Owlsley Nease who has recently transplanted to the North Country from Kansas City.

Interview with John Heino on Photgraphy

My interview with John appeared in this week’s Reader, but you can see more of his photography in conjunction with part one of the story at Ennyman’s Territory.

Bob Monohan shows his cards

Bob Monohan does the art scene.

I had a fun interview with Bob Monohan of Chaperone Records, which I posted this morning at Ennyman’s Territory.

Prøve opening is special event

Chico Strikes Back

Chico Strikes Back

Tonight Daniel Hansen and Lucas Anderson are having a very special art opening at the Prøve Gallery titled “Master Meme.” Daniel Hansen is a local artist with a disability who explores pop culture, ’80s pixelation, and contemporary issues. Lucas Anderson teaches art locally at Marshall Academy. The show features individual work and art they have created collaboratively. This is the capstone show for the Prøve’s first year, and it’s nothing short of a “must see,” even if only for the spirit in which the work has been generated and generously shared with our community.  Opening is from 7 to 11 p.m.

If you’re at all on the fence, you can see some of Hansen’s digital brilliance on my accompanying review at Ennyman’s Territory.

Adam Swanson paintings at the Zeitgeist

Thirty-five of Adam Swanson’s paintings are on display at the Zeitgeist Arts Café here in Duluth for the next several weeks. Last night I caught the opening and found his work as vibrant as ever. I encourage friends of the arts to check it out. Here’s a short introduction to the artist for those who don’t know him.

Interview with Nick Monson, co-founder of Prøve Gallery

Tonight is the ninth show opening at the Prøve Gallery in Downtown Duluth. Nick Monson, a co-owner of the gallery, talked about the show titled “Slow Motion,” which promises to be interesting as usual. The full story is at Ennyman’s Territory.

Review of 42nd Annual Park Point Art Fair

This is the weekend of the Art Fair at Park Point. Nice way to spend an afternoon if you want to get outside … (recommended). Here’s my take on what I saw on Friday.

DuSu Film Festival is a stellar event

I don’t think I can put enough likes on the page to do it justice. Just a note to check out some of the films that Richard Hansen and the Duluth Superior Film Festival folks have brought to us this year. Very much in line with our North Country interests and at reasonable price for all access passes — $20. Great films, great music, great art and good times. A longer version of my opinion here.

Homegrown Art

As usual, the Homegrown Music Festival has generated huge quantities of buzz, and remains a real showcase for what’s happening in the Northland. I was especially interested in the Homegrown arts facet, caught every opening and even the Lake Superior College opening that was not part of Homegrown … and a little music as well. So much to see and not enough time to write about it all. I did sum up my Friday and Saturday evenings this morning on my blog at Ennyman’s Territory.

Kudos to all organizers, volunteers, bands, and artists who once again made this a very special week for the Twin Ports community.

Patron of the arts enjoying a set of images at Prove Gallery Saturday night.

Bill Morgan Exhibit at Zeitgeist

This is a first rate exhibit that you shouldn’t miss if you follow the local arts scene. UWS professor Bill Morgan has influenced many art students and broadened their experience. There’s plenty to see.

Picasso at the Lapin Agile

If you’re wondering what Picasso at the Lapin Agile is all about, I hope this review will whet your appetite. Rubber Chicken Theater at the Play Ground, a Steve Martin play that promises much… and aims to deliver.

It’s interesting, but is it art?

Portrait of Joyce (Blue View)

Art history has taken us into some very interesting and sometimes strange terrains and spaces these past 150 years. What’s amazing is how much pop culture has been influenced by fringe and almost unknown artists in terms of the wider public, just as our clothing fashions are influenced by events that took place last year on a runway in Paris.