Duluth: The Summer City of the Continent

This 90-year-old postcard was mailed Sept. 21, 1932 — 90 years ago today. It boasts the principal attributes of Duluth.

Distribution center of the northwest
Unequaled industrial opportunities
Largest inland port. Second to New York in tonnage handled.
Unlimited agricultural and mineral resources
Tourist center of the famous Arrowhead Country
Healthiest city in the United States

The four sections of the card show images of:

Aeroplane view of Duluth-Superior harbor
Bird’s-eye view, Duluth, Minn.
Loading coal and ore. Duluth-Superior harbor
Lake Loc La Crois, Minnesota Arrowhead Country

The names of the recipients appear to be Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Taylor of Barker, N.Y. The message on the back reads:

Helloo Barker — Duluth speaking. We are on our way home and had to spend the day here. I could not get Harry to go in bathing. We spent a few days in Winnipeg with Jack and Annie Gilbert. Aunt Mattie has been very sick but is better now. We wish you would write.
— H. & Ella

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