Monthly Grovel: April 2020 COVID-19 Edition

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Typically Perfect Duluth Day’s monthly pitch for donations brags about how many events we publish on the PDD Calendar and notes all the labor required to do it. In the past three weeks, however, most of that work has shifted to marking events “cancelled” or “postponed.” We are still publishing new events, but most of them are either “virtual” events happening online, or concerts and neighborhood celebrations planned several months into the future. So our mission continues, but it’s a much lamer mission, at least for the short term.

Why do we need your help now more than ever? Because when life gets cancelled the advertising revenue that keeps Perfect Duluth Day in business slowly disappears. Nearly every enterprise in town is struggling in these challenging times.

COVID-19 hasn’t changed much at PDD in terms of day-to-day operations. During our nearly 17 years online we have never had an office. So for the most part our work life is the same as it ever was. But when other businesses are closed and events aren’t happening, the revenue stream dries up.

We don’t intend to lay anyone off and are undeterred in our mission, but the times are more challenging than ever. Running a community website wasn’t profitable when the economy was good, but the service we provide feels important enough to continue. Because when the trivia nights, lutefisk dinners and cornhole tournaments start back up, someone needs to tell you.

So please make a donation if you can, and please support our advertisers and all the local businesses that are struggling. And stay healthy so you’re ready to rock when the world resumes. Thanks in advance for anything you can do.

One oh-by-the-way item, in case you haven’t noticed: PDD has always had an event category for TV/Radio/Streaming events, so if you want to cut through all the cancelled stuff listed in the daily calendar view and get a quick snapshot of things that are actually happening during the pandemic, give that a shot. It’s not perfect, but it’s something.

Follow this link for more info about our calendar fundraising.

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