Duluth Broadcast Television Station Guide for 2016

Duluth TV station logos

Below is an updated look at what’s on the television dial in Duluth after the reorganizing at KBJR/KDLH. Don’t let the big “3” fool you on the new KDLH logo (which doesn’t have the letters KDLH on it, but does have the CBS eye); the CBS affiliate is now on broadcast channel 6.2. If you are watching with a satellite dish or cable, then the KDLH/CBS station is channel 3.

Update: WDSE-TV has dropped its “2nd Chance” programming on channel 8.2 and adopted a new broadcasting stream, PBS Explore, which is focused heavily on programs for children.

The CWBroadcast channel: 3.1 | Charter Cable channel: 2
Call letters: KDLH
Network affilation: The CW
Owner: Sagamore Hill Broadcasting, headquartered in Augusta, Ga.

NBC Universal LogosBroadcast channel: 6.1 | Charter Cable channel: 6
Call letters: KBJR
Network affiliation: NBC
Owner: Quincy Media Incorporated, headquartered in Quincy, Ill.

CBSBroadcast channel: 6.2 | Charter Cable channel: 3
Call letters: KBJR
Network affiliation: CBS
Owner: Quincy Media Incorporated, headquartered in Quincy, Ill.

MyNetwork DuluthBroadcast channel: 6.3 | Charter Cable channel: 9
Call letters: KBJR
Network affiliation: MyNetwork
Owner: Quincy Media Incorporated, headquartered in Quincy, Ill.

PBSBroadcast channel: 8.1 | Charter Cable channel: 12
Call letters: WDSE
Network affiliation: PBS
Owner: Duluth-Superior Area Educational Television Corporation

PBS Explore logoBroadcast channel: 8.2 | Charter Cable channel: 193
Call letters: WDSE
Network affiliation: PBS Explore
Owner: Duluth-Superior Area Educational Television Corporation

Create TVBroadcast channel: 8.3 | Charter Cable channel: 194
Call letters WDSE
Network affiliation: Create
Owner: Duluth-Superior Area Educational Television Corporation

TPT-MinnesotaBroadcast channel: 8.4 | Charter Cable channel: 195
Call letters: WDSE
Network affiliation: Twin Cities Public Television Minnesota Channel
Owner: Duluth-Superior Area Educational Television Corporation

ABC DuluthBroadcast channel: 10.1 | Charter Cable channel: 13
Call letters: WDIO
Network affiliation: ABC
Owner: Hubbard Broadcasting, headquartered in St. Paul, Minn.

MeTVBroadcast channel: 10.2 | Charter Cable channel: 196
Call letters: WDIO
Network affiliation: Me-TV
Owner: Hubbard Broadcasting, headquartered in St. Paul, Minn.

FoxBroadcast channel 21.1 | Charter Cable channel: 11
Call letters: KQDS
Network affiliation: Fox
Owner: Red River Broadcasting, headquartered in Fargo, N.D.

Antenna-TV-DuluthBroadcast channel 21.2
Call letters: KQDS
Network affiliation: Antenna TV
Owner: Red River Broadcasting, headquartered in Fargo, N.D.

AMGTV DuluthBroadcast channel: 27.1
Call letters: KCWV
Network affiliation: AMGTV
Owner: Flinn Broadcasting Corporation, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn.



about 9 years ago

Thanks for the info.  I saw the announcement during Colbert last week but couldn't find any info about it online.


about 9 years ago

Thanks for the info.  I get my T.V. the old fashioned way, free over the air.  Since moving to the heart of the city  a year and a half ago, I have never been able to get FOX21, no matter which antenna I use and after repeated channel scans.  I have a newer smart T.V.  Has anyone else had this experience or have any tips on what I might try?  I get all the other channels listed above, including 27.1


about 9 years ago

This is unacceptable.  Now to watch CBS I have to press 3 buttons?!  I used to only have to press 1!


about 9 years ago

Does anyone know if the move to a "subchannel" will reduce the quality of the picture for CBS?  Kinda seems like it but I'm not 100% sure.  Pretty lame if it does.

Matt Hill

about 9 years ago

Looks like it is possible to have 2 HD channels on one channel
2× 720p HDTV channels (7.8 Mbit/s each) 	+ 1 	480p or 480i SD subchannel (~3.8 Mbit/s)

Thomas Grier

about 9 years ago

What is the best direction to point my digital antenna to pick up network broadcasts in Duluth? Should I point it toward downtown or Antenna Hill? My steel siding blocks one or the other direction unless I put it 30 feet up on my roof.

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

I don't think there is a general direction to point antennas that provides the best reception. There are a bunch of factors involved no matter where you are. If I'm not receiving a channel I move the antenna and eventually it comes in and I lose reception on two other sets of channels. 

I think drilling an external antenna on your roof is probably the best way to get good reception, but who the hell likes TV that much?

Lynette Chesney

about 8 years ago

I haven't been able to receive channel 6 NBC in my front room, which is across from St. Luke's Hospital parking lot, for quite some time ... and now with channel 3 CBS, switching over to 6.2 I cannot pull either station in. The signal sent out is even weaker in the evening! I cannot afford cable ... most distressing!

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