Another Wonderful Mitchell Letter

Dennis P. Mitchell’s letter in this morning’s Duluth News Tribune is a gem.  Dennis and his wife Rosemarie gained notoriety with their London Olympics letter a few years ago. Today, they reveal the sordid happenings in the Sally Forth comic strip.

‘Sally Forth’ sets poor example for youths



about 10 years ago

I must forward this Letter to the Editor to Jerry Longabaugh, the then 13 year old boy that I kissed at our church conference when I was 12 years old.  It was my first kiss.  What did I know?  How could I have known what this could have led to?!?!?! The horror!!!


about 10 years ago

Emmadogs, I sure hope he wasn't a head taller than you ... that's obviously the breaking point of when a relationship turns from innocent to salacious.


about 10 years ago

I wonder what their response was to Charlie Brown kissing the little red-haired girl back in 1977.


about 10 years ago

Jon and Hilary getting STDs could only improve "Sally Forth."


about 10 years ago

This one has finally led me to a nearly irresistible urge to go back and collect them all in a lovely scrapbook. Please tell me someone at the DNT has had the same urge. Please tell me they're all hand-written on yellow legal paper and kept in an old file. I know the Mitchells have been writing since I moved here 20 years ago, and I imagine they go back even further than that.

Nick L

about 10 years ago

I've wondered the same thing, HBH.  Is there a master file of Mitchell letters lovingly curated by the DNT Attic or Editorial Page Editor Chuck Frederick?  Take the twelve best and run a Moral Decay Commemorative Calendar.

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

I used to have a folder of all the faxes received at the Budgeteer office from "Diesel" Davy Jones circa 1996-'97. It's probably in my attic, but I also have a vague memory of maybe gifting or lending it to someone.


about 10 years ago

OMFG I was just wondering the other day what happened to Duluth's Own Davy Jones!


about 10 years ago

I found the letter to be funnier than the comic strip. 

I also wondered how the Mitchell's feel about Hillary's exploits in a metal band that plays songs about werewolves. Obviously satan is at work there.

 And then there is that Faye girl with her short hair and anti-social tendencies.  Gasp!

The whole comic is just pure smut I tell you,  pure smut! Bring on the STD/teen pregnancy/crack whore story line!


about 10 years ago

So are these people really for real?  I mean, surely their letters are pranks and they are getting a lot of laughs out of it.  They should be, at least--if these are jokes, they are most excellent.


about 10 years ago

I'm just glad that Dennis and Rosemarie found each other.  It just goes to show, there's someone out there for everybody.

T. Heinonen

about 10 years ago

Anyone think it's a bit coincidence that one of the longest running comic characters  "Dennis the Menace" (aka: DENNIS MITCHELL) is writing letters to the editor?  Perhaps since the Menace reached retirement age years ago  he has nothing else to do with his time.  I wonder who Barnsdorf's true cartoon alter ego is?



about 10 years ago

But you guys, this one's only from Dennis.  Does this mean that there's dissension in the Mitchell household?  Or is Rosemarie on a vacation, or God forbid ill?  

What is going on?!

Nick L

about 10 years ago

Did anyone read Sunday's Duluth News Tribune?  Hillary kissed Jon.  They hugged.  Hands were held.  The strip ended with them alone in a forest.

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