Pirate Pizza

There’s a new covert pizza alternative operating out of a secret location on Goat Hill here in Duluth. Pirate Pizza delivers home made pizza from a home made oven with largely local ingredients to your door via a motorbike that once, according to the pirates, “used to run contraband around the Gaza strip.”



According to Sam Larsen, one of the pizza pirates, they use local ingredients including a goat cheese from real goats on Goat Hill. Favorite topping combos are plum habanero and thai chicken peanut.

Right now Pirate Pizza only delivers where they want, which includes East Hillside to Spirit Valley. “But I don’t think we’d go out to Hermantown,” said Larsen.

Prices? Pirates don’t need no stinking set prices. It’s kind of a “name your price” system. Larsen says the typical range is $7 to $15.

Right now Pirate Pizza is only operating on Fridays starting sometime around 4 p.m. until they run out of supplies. You can contact one of the three pirates listed below to make an order and haggle a price:

  • Sam – 556-8166
  • Dennis – 766-7189
  • Derek – 556-5379

Larsen says that the pirates will keep operating while the weather is decent and plan to ride again next summer.

Thanks to the Prøve Collective for letting me know about these entrepreneurs. There are a lot more pictures of Pirate Pizza located here.

So, has anyone had a Pirate Pizza yet? I’m curious to try one myself. I may get one tomorrow.

Of course, the pirates operate on the borders of legality so I asked explicitly for permission to post this. Larsen said it was fine and he welcomed it.

All pictures courtesy of Pirate Pizza via winecellar.org.



about 11 years ago


I am curious to try it myself, as I have been looking to build an outdoor brick oven for some time now. 

Goat cheese... MMMMMMMmmmm.

But before I believe the Gaza strip story, I am gonna have to see some shrapnel damage or bullet holes on the cycle.

Little Pirate

about 11 years ago

Cool, I'll probably order some tomorrow since I live in Goat Hill!


about 11 years ago

Looks like fun! I just finished up a cob pizza oven over in Lincoln Park. It was built for a total cost of $8.81, which was the price of the bag of lime used to plaster it. Everything else was found or given to me and all the clay and sand for the cob came from 10 feet away in my driveway. It's nice to see people with similar interests around! We had our first pizzas from the oven on Wednesday and it was an excellent time. Enclosed are a few images of it.


about 11 years ago

Erk, can I just say that oven is awesome! Thanks for the photos. May the maw of that beast (a beaver?) bring you many tasty things to eat!


about 11 years ago

My four-year-old said that pizza oven is a frog.

"Maybe a pig?" I suggested, studying the snout.

"No," he said. "Frog."


about 11 years ago

I got my pizza last night - yummy!


about 11 years ago

Gimme pizza!

Little Pirate

about 11 years ago

Hm, I called all 3 of the numbers again (I ordered last week) and I can't seem to get ahold of any of them. Does anyone know what's going on?

Little Pirate

about 11 years ago

Never mind, I got ahold of them...


about 11 years ago

Are these guys still making pizza? How have peoples experiences been?

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