Fond du Lac young people march for kids

I was on my way into work this morning and I saw some young people from the Take Back Our Rez Facebook group walking along Big Lake Road on Fond du Lac Reservation. That’s like the equivalent of rush hour as it is the main artery to and from Highway 33 and I-35, lots of cars headed up and down the road on the way to work or school.

I snapped a few photos. They carried signs saying “Love Your Self, Love Your Community” and “For Our Children.”

One of the marchers, “Chubbs” Jarvis Paro, showed me this bloody syringe that they found on their march.

Ogichidaa is one way of saying “Warrior” in Anishinaabemowin. I might not be qualified to speak, but I would say this is a good example of ogichidaa, standing up for children and the future.



about 12 years ago


Update:  Per FB comment, the next march is planned for Monday at 7:30 am.  The screen grab image got cut off but it's at the "G and G." That's the short name for Nahgahchiwanong Adawewigamig, Fond du lac Gas and Grocery.  It's on Big Lake Road in Cloquet at the edge of FDL Rez, just past the cemetery, next to Carmen's restaurant.    

I can't figure out how to get the HTML to work right (no shock there) but here's the shortened URL of the "Take Back Our Rez" Facebook group:  


about 12 years ago

It's actually really nice to see this. I'm a social worker on a reservation (not FDL) and it really seems like the only way to break this cycle is to just take it upon yourself as a young person to do so. Someone has to quit doing the drugs before they go away.

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You forgot something the other night …

Perhaps this brief rant is more appropriate for Craig's List, but I'll digress anyway ... 
