We Love Duluth

Duluth is a special place. You know that. I know that. Duluth knows that.

We decided to document that fact by spending one day talking to random people in Duluth. We conducted the same basic interview over and over again in different locations for about 8 hours, and then set out to create a three minute video. Hours of film were eventually whittled down to six minutes that we want to share with you now. We hope you like it.

So who are “we”? This is the full disclosure part. The project grew out of the plan to create a 30-second commercial for Emily Larson, who is running for Duluth City Council. We quickly decided that we wanted to do something above and beyond a typical political commercial and that we wanted something that would be meaningful after the election on Nov. 8. So in addition to creating a 30-second “political” commercial (which is also up on YouTube) we created this video to pay homage to Duluth.

Again, we hope you enjoy it.


PS: PDD should add a tagging category for “reverence” or something to that effect instead of having both “advice” and “recommendations.”



about 13 years ago

This is a video for Emily Larson?  I thought it was a campaign video for Milo Amundsen.  I'm voting for Milo all the way.  "I'm not a future predictor!"  That's a campaign slogan I can stand behind.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

The categories "Advice" and "Recommendations" are two different things.

"Advice" is for requests for advice. "Recommendations" is for specific recommendations that the post's author provides.


about 13 years ago

As a person that now lives Somewhere Else, I gotta say that's nice videography, you folks make the hometown look good!


about 13 years ago

Milo Amundsen is the next Alex P. Keaton.


about 13 years ago

What an awesome video. I live just up the north shore, but this really tells about the great area we live in. Thanks for sharing.


about 13 years ago

Go Yester! Nice tune.

Iron Oregon

about 13 years ago

Very very nice! Although "Hong Kong of the Midwest" might be a stretch and not such a great thing!


about 13 years ago

"Duluth: Hong Kong of the Midwest"


about 13 years ago

A couple of other quick things about the video...I didn't give the proper shout out to the band Yester for sharing their song "Easily" in the video. Dean Vogtman from Happy Tree Productions rocked the edits and camera work and Swim Creative's Patrice Bradley helped us dream this project up and give it shape. 

Also, the video made the MPR New Cut ... how cool is that!?!

Why do people love Duluth?

Wes Scott

about 13 years ago

Duluth has a vibe to it, hard to describe but
you sure know it when you see it. Duluth has
only improved over the years. The girl at the end of the video was great. I'm not a future predictor comment busted me up. I think if you can find a job in Duluth there is a overall quality of life you won't find elsewhere. The parks and of course the whole Arrowhead region is simply the best.


about 13 years ago

Very nice! I'm in southern MN, and I'm missing the Lake. This helps. Here's to the Hong Kong of the Midwest.


about 13 years ago

Love the song, I'm never heard of Yester. Now I'm a new fan.

Shane Bauer

about 13 years ago

I like this very much. Good job Swimmers. And Happy Dean.

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Damn kids will make life miserable for older Duluthians

From the Duluth News Tribune, 1895:
