Hey Tourists, Welcome to Our City

In the search for info on the song “Welcome to Our City,” for the list of “Songs with ‘Duluth’ in the lyrics or title,” PDD’s Fairy Research Spy found this 1910 Duluth News Tribune illustration (which has the same title as the song, but predates it by six years). Note that the Aerial Lift Bridge is not a lift bridge … it was the Aerial Ferry Bridge back then, with a gondola car carrying cars/wagons across.



about 13 years ago

I always thought it would be so much fun to ride across the bridge on the old gondola-style setup.  But I suppose they found it would be a lot more efficient for it to be a lift bridge.  Considering that the bridge was converted in 1930, there's probably not a lot of people around anymore that can say they remember riding the transporter bridge.


about 13 years ago

Any clue what that blobby thing in the lower left corner is?


about 13 years ago

Soon-to-be Park Point bunny?


about 13 years ago

R.D. Handy was a well-known cartoonist for the News Trib 100 years ago as cartoons took hold in newspapers. His work was reprinted nationally and internationally, with praise from President Hoover and disdain from some European aristocrats. In his early work, he left a bunny by his signature, something akin to today's Tom Toles.


about 13 years ago

Why not include a little blurb about how protesters are often the first thing someone sees when turning off the freeway? Whether it's war, or mining, or whatever else has their dirty undies in a bunch. It's a wonderful welcome and a good harbinger of what our town offers.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Jim, you are protesting with that comment, and frankly I think it makes our town unattactive. Follow you own advice and unbunch your undies.


about 13 years ago

Frankly Paul, the protesters need to go to work or start doing something productive, like picking up trash along the highway or something. That will go much further to enhance our image than protesting some company mining up in Babbitt. I'll never forget having a business client fly into town and then being met with union lackies giving him the strong-shoulder as he went to get a glass of water at the airport diner. They were protesting that the three employees they had were non-union. It was the first thing he asked me about when I picked him up. Awesome representation. Funny-same thing happened when Valentinos opened up. Family run shop, trying to do good by the community, met with paid picketers trying to scare diners away. Nice.  Is the Co-op unionized? How about Carmody? Come to think of it, I remember the PR guy from AFSCME building a house and getting busted for using a non-union electrician. Ironically, these are the same people who vilify those who protest the baby-killing clinics. Hmmm.

Terry G.

about 13 years ago

Yes. God forbid if tourists notice that we have citizens who actually care about things and take the time to publicly protest. Maybe Jim's problem is that there are so few protesters that do not tilt left.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

So Jim is incapable of unbunching his undies and shutting the hell up, just like the hippies who protest on the streets. Point made.


about 13 years ago

Thank goodness for the new calendar. It reaffirms my faith in Duluth by the sheer volume of awesome activities. The trolls are getting so thick around here that even "non-controversial" threads are being ruined.


about 13 years ago

I like how someone holding a sign on a street corner, and someone getting up in someone else's face are the same thing.

And where is this calendar? Is it a hidden place connected by a series of "clicks?"

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

The PDD Calendar is in test mode for a few more weeks, so we're not putting out a big obvious link on the home page yet, but you can find it at perfectduluthday.com/calendar.


about 13 years ago

Obviously Duluth has a lot to offer. It is a great town for many reasons. It is also woefully behind when it comes to politics. As someone said, it's a big town with small town attitude. I believe that. If you're not one of the lefties, you aren't welcome. Comments from people like Tim confirm that. How about some civility in the way you espouse your ideas to those outside of your box? We can start there, and then move onto fun things like indian taco fundraisers and film festivals. That's what makes our town unique- not your little liberal private club mentality. As Tim pointed out, more people are getting fed up with it, and are starting to make their opinion known through all venues. The sooner you realize that your battle can't be won, the sooner we can all get along.


about 13 years ago

The civility expert knows that there are so few liberals in Duluth that he can taste the conservative tsunami that will wash this berg into Lake Superior.


about 13 years ago

Tolerance can only exist with intolerance.  Duluth is living proof of this.

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Wanted: beach water temperature patrol

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