Good non-alchoholic drinks in Duluth

I would never consider myself a huge drinker but since I started trying to get pregnant earlier this year (and I am currently almost 11 weeks) I have missed the ability to experiment with different tastes and drinks. I’ve realized that I’m really unaware of the great non-alcoholic specialty drinks that may be floating out there in Duluth.

I’m also trying to stay away from too much caffeine, so I’ve been mainly sticking to McDonald’s lemonade or caffeine-free frappucinos from Starbucks when a sweet tooth strikes. There’s got to be something local out there to try, no? I was hoping the lovely folks at PDD had some ideas.

I’m already in love with the malts from the Portland Malt Shoppe, especially because it’s in walking distance from my apartment. Where should I try next?


Bad Cat!

about 13 years ago

Despite working at four different coffee shops, I can't stand the taste of coffee. A flavored steamer is my favorite cafe (non-coffee) drink. Imagine a mocha, now remove the espresso. Ta-da, you now have a yummy chocolate steamer! Look behind the counter at the Torani syrups and make your own combinations.
Also super yummy: India Palace chai tea (though I think it may have some caffeine).


about 13 years ago

Check out these two recipes: a mango lassi and NA Ginger Beer. Both are super tasty and refreshing on hot summer days. Craftbrewed rootbeer from the Brewhouse is also awesome if you're looking to go out for a drink. Congrats on your pregnancy!

Lor tab

about 13 years ago

Schwepps Ginger beer, do they still make it? I used to hang with a not-one drop nondrinking crowd, and it was difficult w/out making homemade ideas, Phosphates used to be popular, fruit or chocolate soda at b-Mans with no ice cream.  Hmmm, difficult, and still I get resentful of the drinking culture, meaning the subtlety that, you have to sell liquor to make any money around here, sad, No moralizing, just a simple fact.  Where is a decent Icee with flavor and not 800 calories, for under 4 bucks?


about 13 years ago

Wisconsin Bloody Mary
Becks NA beer and V-8 + Worcestershire and Tabasco


about 13 years ago

+ 1 Lor Tab and I like Carla's virgin Bloody Mary idea, although I've never tried it with NA beer. 

Congratulations, Makoons. If your timing is right, my next gosling will be arriving a month or so ahead of yours. Mrs. Goose is pregnant, too.  (She already announced it on FB so it's "Facebook Official" I might as well make it PDD official, too - if there is such a thing." 

Anyway her obsession this time pregnancy appears to be smoothies, and I must have tried 2 dozen combinations over the last 2 months.  The possibilities are endless. Blueberries, Strawberries, and a little fresh mint leaves have been her favorite, I'm still working out the right combination of other ingredients.  I'll invite you over sometime to try one if you want, although the cravings seem to fit between 11 pm and 1 am so you might already be tucked away in bed by then.  

Anyway i was glad to see this and I'm looking forward to other suggestions since we're in a similar spot, although we were both already in the "not one drop" category, and have been for awhile.  But once in awhile I do go out to a bar, and often to places with a mixture of offerings.  Beaners is good for that, although Amazing Grace is my favorite of the coffee houses, mainly due to great memories of the place over the years, although the food and drinks are fine, too.  

We get virgin bloody mary's various places, some are better than others.  If memory serves, "the Looch" and (obviously) Frankies are the best ones around here.  

You can get a keg of High Bridge Root Beer from Lake Superior Brewery for very reasonable price, if you're going to be having friends over.  It serves up well from a nice cold keg, it's a genuinely good root beer and you get the added pleasure/bonus of supporting a fine local brewery in the process.  Speedy Wienie used to run it on tap and some people would make a special trip just to get a glass.


about 13 years ago

McDonald's lemonade is surprisingly non-toxic. I can't say the same about their synthetic Strawberry syrup, though. If you're concerned about the health of your baby, which it seems you are of course, I really encourage you to avoid McDonalds and other establishments offering processed food. They do not have any concern for your health, and during pregnancy is the worst time to be eating there.

P. Smithers

about 13 years ago

I saw some Bubble Tea on the Osaka menu when I ate there last night; I have yet to try it but hear good things.  Not sure if it's served anywhere else in town.

Burrito Union makes a lot of good drinks that would also be delicious NA I'm sure, they make there own simple syrup to sweeten all of them and use a lot of purees for their flavor (e.g. Mango)

Ginger Mango Mojito... ***!


about 13 years ago

Ooo, smoothies! @wildgoose I love smoothies and actually broke my cheap blender from making them too often. That's a good idea though so I think I'll invest in a new well-made blender. I also agree about the Chai at the India Palace. I don't mind risking a little caffeine as long as it's just a little every now and then. Most doctors, from my research, have said a little EVERY DAY is okay so I figure I'm playing it pretty darn safe.

As for Mickey Dee's, I'm aware of its's just hard for me to turn down because the hubby works there and often brings it home. I've been discouraging him!

Bad Cat, Thanks for reminding me about steamers. I used to get those all the time as a youngster and LOVED them.

Keep it coming, guys!


about 13 years ago

"malts" "smoothies" "lemonade"

"what should I try next?"


Lor tab

about 13 years ago

The thing that is McDonalds Lemonade simply is Minute Maid light Lemonade you can get it at the Grocery store, (and read the label), a little bit of sugar--simple. Gooood. Even Newman's is not Organic tho', you have to watch out when they put those slices in everything, if you fear pesticide (can't really avoid it).  Develop a taste for simple unsweeetend Ice Tea, a little caffiene, but that wont' hurt., Not like evil alcohol.  Last i heard Chai tea is milk, cinnamon, powdered tea, flavor.  But I might be in the wrong decade!!  Green tea mixes with lots of stuff. Also how a bout carmel apple without the Tini? Grandmas used to have that


about 13 years ago

Iced peppermint tea with honey. Put the honey in with the hot water and peppermint tea, steep about 5 minutes. Cool in the fridge. One of my favorite summer drinks.


about 13 years ago

Knocked up here, too (12 weeks). I am a teensy sad to be missing out on a whole season of Sam Adams Summer Ale! I will recommend ordering an Orange Cream Soda from Sir Ben's, though. I'm not usually a soda drinker but it satisfies that sweet fizzy craving! Also, it comes in a dark brown bottle so I'm looking forward to lots of disapproving scowls when I drink it with a bigger baby bump!

about 13 years ago

I'd say knock back a couple of espressos, but the baby thing might be an issue.


about 13 years ago

I have a sweet, yummy drink for you that will help prevent those pregnancy cankles and sausage fingers.

1. Go to the Whole Foods Co-op and get a jar of Knudsen's juice (any kind!) and a bag of dried nettles from the bulk herb/spice aisle.

2. Drink the juice.  Not all at once.  Wash the jar.

3. Put about 1" of nettles at the bottom of the jar and fill the jar with very hot water.  After it cools enough to handle, put the lid on and put it in the fridge for 24 hours.

4. Strain out the nettles and enjoy a cold, delicious glass!  

Dandelion root also helps prevent bloating, but it's bitter so I wouldn't use very much in proportion to the nettles.  

Raspberry leaf tea is also a great drink throughout pregnancy - it tones the uterine muscles.  Make sure it's raspberry leaf though, not raspberry flavored crap.

Water with cucumber slices in it is also really yummy, if you find it hard to drink enough plain old water.


about 13 years ago

Wow, this blog gets more and more interesting each day. What can a pregnant person drink? Serious?

P. Smithers

about 13 years ago

WELL.... I think it's more about the unborn fetus than the pregnant adult.  If you care at all about the little nugget inside of ya you'd get educated on what has been proven or even thought to effect an unborn baby (i.e. alcohol, caffeine, lunch meat!)

Most of the shit we choose to put into our bodies isn't necessary or good for us at all, so if you think about how ingesting some of these things and how they could do harm to something the size of a peanut people should be more conscious about what it is.


about 13 years ago

I smell a troll.


about 13 years ago

As do I. Obviously I'm looking for healthy alternatives, but I also think it's natural to indulge (and of course not with alcohol or other extremely harmful substances). I asked for suggestions because I don't want to keep drinking cheap, sugary lemonade or too much soda. If you knew me, which you don't, you'd know that I do care and have been researching. Not every suggestion I'll get here I'll take people up on. 

Take your soapbox someplace else.


about 13 years ago

The decaf coffees we (Alakef) have available taste fairly remarkable in that they maintain at least a good portion of the profile of the original bean. 

That said: iced coffee. toddy (cold press) style with or without sweetened condensed milk and ice ... a welcome refreshment without the side effects if you're missing the taste of coffee.

P. Smithers

about 13 years ago

I was absolutely not referring to you and think it's great that you're asking, but I was replying to the post above mine:

"What can a pregnant person drink? Serious?"

At my job I work with a lot of pregnant teens and people without the education of what they should or shouldn't be doing when they're pregnant because they go to a free clinic, so I'm sorry I got all overly self-righteous, but it was not directed at you in any way.


about 13 years ago

Alright P. Smithers, I'm sorry that I took it too personally. Since getting pregnant I've had a lot of concerned or experienced people tell me to do things this way or that or yell at me for things I'm not doing. It's the side-affect of having people in your life who just want the best for you and your baby, but it can get to be a little much when most of the information is conflicting or for someone not as interested in having a *healthy* pregnancy.

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