Prospects for the Arrowhead: What do you want for your future?

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Part of the Public Insight Network

An economic evolution is underway in Northeastern Minnesota. New mining projects, continued development along the North Shore, the growth of health care and increasing numbers of self-employed workers present a fresh generation of choices.

While the economy shows signs of life, the path to prosperity raises tough questions about jobs and quality of life. So what do you want for your future?

MPR News and the Northland’s NewsCenter are holding a community-wide forum on the economic outlook for Duluth and the Arrowhead. We want you for this important discussion. If so, please click here to RSVP.

Even if you can’t join us on Tuesday, April 5 at the Radisson Harborview Great Hall in Duluth, you can still inform this vital conversation.

Just click on this link and tell us how we should steer this conversation.

We’d also greatly appreciate it if you’d forward this message to a friend or two who has his or her own story to tell.

Thank you.

Michael Caputo
Public Insight Analyst
Minnesota Public Radio News
651-290-1081 | [email protected]


Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

I want the Current in my future.


about 14 years ago

I want the Current in my future too.


about 14 years ago

More swords + cats.


about 14 years ago

Me and my cats would also like the Current in our future.  My cats might like some swords, but I don't think they should have them.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

At first my "I want the Current" was mere whining, but I realize that things like The Current play a role in the general Duluth quality of life.

Not that I want Duluth to become a mini-Minneapolis (I want to live in Duluth, after all), but I would like to not feel so out of touch with what is going on around me.

My friends post "going to so and so's concert" and "just got the new such and such album" and I realize that I've never heard of any of them! I feel like an old person who doesn't understand their kid's new-fangled music and get off my lawn, thank you very much.


about 14 years ago

An increased number of safe, designated bike routes - on existing or new pathways and roadways, to accomodate increasing numbers of cyclists and bike commuters.  Not everyone here allows the area's geology or the climate to govern their year-round activities.


about 14 years ago

I have plenty of swords and cats, and if you can't figure out how to stream the current ... well then I don't don't know what to say. I would like a chance at a lower-middle-class job, but I don't think Santa is coming.


about 14 years ago

I want my knees to hold out long enough for me to trek across Isle Royale this September.

I keep people caffeinated for a living. More of that would greatly improve my chances of getting my house paid off within 20 years.


about 14 years ago

OK, that probably wasn't what you were looking for.

Radio is a dying art, and there's definitely not quality in our quantity. I'm sick of car ads. I'm sick of lowest-common-denominator conservative AM talk and "rock" stations that don't rawk.

I want more radio that doesn't feature any of that. OK?

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

I want someone to provide a deconstructionist's analysis of the MPR logo so I can understand what it is trying to convey, 'cause I don't see how it says "Minnesota" or "Public" or "Radio." Enlighten me!

Thank you.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

dbrewing, yes, I can figure out how to stream radio, thank you very much. However, I want to be able to listen to The Current without having to be chained within 20 feet of a computer with internet access (car, work, garden, etc.).
Also, do not assume that everyone has broadband at their fingertips - for many families, high-speed internet falls in the "would like" category of the budget, but is shoved aside by rent, bills, and food needs.


about 14 years ago

I would like new mining ventures be required to establish an environmental cleanup fund before any dirt is turned.


about 14 years ago

@ Bad Cat ... a pandora-styled player for smartphone, maybe?

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

@Zra: not convenient for car travel and not enough cell signal at work (two places where I'd like to listen most of the time). Though I'm lucky enough to be able to afford my swank Droid, not everyone has the funds to spare.


about 14 years ago

@ cat ... word... I understand completely.

If it weren't for my company giving me the blackberry, I probably would still be on the low-tech cell phone.

Scott M.

about 14 years ago

It would be cool if we had a Duluth affiliate of The Current. It would be awesome to have a "local" show that showcased the Duluth/Superior music scene to the rest of the state. But I would settle for the ability just to listen to The Current.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

There is a local music show. It's called "The Local." It's on KUMD every Wednesday night at 5 p.m.


about 14 years ago

Don't forget Walt Dizzo on KUWS on Thursday night. He's got mad love for the locals.

Scott M.

about 14 years ago

I know about those shows guys. I was thinking about getting one of those on the Current so they can be beamed down to cities folk.

I am an avid supporter of "The Local" and Dizzo is my guy, I was just hoping to spread the awesomeness of the Duluth scene to the rest of the state. I think an affiliated station to the Current would give me the best of both worlds.


about 14 years ago

If I were you, harass Dave Campbell @ the Current. He's got a show that I think may compete with Dizzo timewise ... but it's pretty good and definitely worth a listen. He and I go way back and he's a good shite. He has also recently been turned onto and blown away by Duluth music. I have you on Facebook I think, Scott, so I'll kick you a link to his profile and you can let the pestering commence.

Scott M.

about 14 years ago

Thanks, I'll try. Just like I have been trying to get the PBR rep up here to sponsor some shows. I mean he is missing out on an opportunity here right?


about 14 years ago

Your out-of-town booze reps could give a fuck what your local distributors are squandering promo money on.


about 14 years ago

Back on topic. I want more of a balanced view from "public" radio. We've spent enough taxpayer money supporting the liberal crazies agenda. Time for the funding to stop. Something a bit more fair, like Fox, would be much better for the public good. Either that, or get rid of it all together. They took a good first step in firing crazy woman Schiller. The rest should be broomed for their twisted support of the radical Muslims.   

I also want a law banning cyclists from public roadways. They're a plague when it's bad weather- putting both themselves at risk of injury, and drivers at risk of getting sued by some jerk who doesn't do anything but traipse around in spandex while slowing traffic. Maybe Jimmy can get that going in his spare time.

I want more dogs, less cats and more guns. Big guns. Guns that make lots of noise. Guns that make big holes.

Lastly, I'd hope for more mining opportunities in Northern Minnesota. More mines equal more jobs equal a better economy. If anything, loosen the regs a bit to stimulate some growth.

Ben Damman

about 14 years ago

1 Gbps internets, please. kthxbye

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Dear MPR: Please do not listen to Jim - he is just a local troll and does not represent the views and opinions of most Duluthians. :)


about 14 years ago

If Jim gets his way, I hope his personal drinking water is drawn downstream from a sulphide mining site.


about 14 years ago

Hey, Timk, if he moves to Wisconsin, whose political officials seem to match his philosophy, he doesn't have to worry about sulphide mining - there's a proposal there to end the mandatory disinfection of drinking water, so e. coli and cholera will take care of the problem.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

We should start a fund to move Jim where he doesn't pay taxes for things like clean and safe water. He gets what he wants, we get what we want, everyone wins!

Helmut Flaag

about 14 years ago

I'm starting to like this Jim. He's so far over the top, it's funny in a loopy kind of way.  Sort of reminds me of Robert Duvall in The Apostle. Footloose and fancy free, laying bare the inner workings of a mind unhinged that we may all better understand and perhaps one day empathize.  Maybe he'll have his brain donated to science someday?  Ted Bundy was a Republican, too. I think most serial killers are, but I don't think many of them donate their brains. All this talk of guns and killing is making me horny.  I can't wait until the Right takes over and enslaves me in the underground mines with no collective bargaining rights.


about 14 years ago

It is pretty funny when car drivers whine about bicyclists (especially with the inevitable Spandex comments - never mind that most everyday bike commuters don't wear it, so I wonder how much interaction these drivers have actually had with people on bikes).

Then some drivers seem to think they are *not* dependent on government handouts?  Hm, without (yes) subsidized petroleum, they wouldn't be able to fill up their precious gas tanks.

The truth is they are just not tough enough to get around without a car doing all the work for them.  Sit behind those wheels and push those gas pedals, tough guys!  Lookin' good!



about 14 years ago

Dear, MPR: Why are internets troll?

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