duluthdesigned Posts

How many Minnesota artists are there?


The Minnesota State Arts Board is conducting a census to find out just how many Minnesotans are “engaged in creative expression.”

Starting last week, the state agency has been encouraging people to fill out an online survey indicating whether they are an artist, work in the arts, or help facilitate or promote creative expression. The state legislature directed the State Arts Board and the state’s eleven regional arts councils to conduct the census to help measure the influence of arts in the state.

Brian Strub, communications & government relations director with the MN State Arts Board, explains the parameters this way:

We are asking participation from anyone state wide who, professionally or personally, sings, acts, dances, writes, draws, paints, sculpts, illustrates, photographs, films, knits, weaves, directs, plays an instrument, composes, shares stories, designs, or any other form of creative expression; and any agency, business, facility, or organization that produces, presents, or promotes creative expression. I’ve been telling people, “If you’re creative, be proud. Be counted.”

Strub says the MN Arts Count will continue through the end of April. You can participate in the survey here.

Prospects for the Arrowhead: What do you want for your future?

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Part of the Public Insight Network

An economic evolution is underway in Northeastern Minnesota. New mining projects, continued development along the North Shore, the growth of health care and increasing numbers of self-employed workers present a fresh generation of choices.

While the economy shows signs of life, the path to prosperity raises tough questions about jobs and quality of life. So what do you want for your future?

MPR News and the Northland’s NewsCenter are holding a community-wide forum on the economic outlook for Duluth and the Arrowhead. We want you for this important discussion. If so, please click here to RSVP.

Who is Bob Dylan to you?

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Bob Dylan (aka Robert Zimmerman of Hibbing, MN) is turning 70 in May. In anticipation of the big day, we want to gather memories, stories and thoughts about Bob Dylan and his music. Thanks to his shape-shifting, the man and his music mean something different to nearly everyone.

Share your story here.