Downtown Duluth Meters Extended?

I was just downtown and parked at the meters in front of Pizza Luce and the Technology Village. I noticed that the hours that the meters were enforced was until 9pm.  It looked like there was a new sticker covering up the old one.  When did this change, and does anyone know if it is actually enforced?  I just noticed it, could have been there for a while before.


Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

It's been that way a long time. At least 15 years.

Those hours only apply to the Superior Street blocks between Lake Avenue and East Fourth Street, however.

As to whether the meters are actually enforced after 5 p.m. ... that is a treasured Duluth secret I cannot disclose.


about 13 years ago

Related question: is my car really in danger of being towed for unpaid parking tickets?  Because I heard that rumor and I need to know if it's true.


about 13 years ago

I have been ticketed there after 5, though it was a long time ago.


about 13 years ago

Huh, apparently I don't park there very often then or just never noticed.  Even as I was putting the coins in, someone walking by said that the meters don't run that late.  It just seems funny on one side of Lake Avenue is considerably earlier than the other.


about 13 years ago

Yes, you can be towed for unpaid parking tickets.  In fact, once you pay your parking tickets and get your car out of hock, you can get towed again two days later only to be told that the parking gods (or whoever) neglected to make a note that your bill had been paid.  So keep that receipt.


about 13 years ago

@doubledutch.  I just received in the mail a parking fine for an unpaid ticket that had been unpaid.  This ticket was not mine, wrong address ( Hell-o postal carrier!) wrong person, wrong license plate, wrong everything.  But it gave me insight on the procedures "they" follow.  I would assume they send you this nasty letter (from MD as I recall) before they tow a car?


about 13 years ago

I once worked with a guy who was hauled out of work by the cops for unpaid parking tickets!  This was here, in Duluth.  They do not fool around with scoff-laws.  (is that the right word?)

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

TopOfTheHillMan: When you get a piece of mail that is addressed to someone else at a different address, please return it to your letter carrier or deposit it in a mailbox. Everyone makes mistakes now and then.


about 13 years ago

Isn't opening someone else's mail a felony?

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

As far as I know, yes. But it's not like you're going to get charged with anything if it's an honest mistake. If the letter were stolen, for example, or if the information in the letter was then used to commit a crime (such as identity theft), there would be a problem.

If you've accidentally opened someone else's mail, don't be afraid to return it to the mailstream. You aren't going to get in trouble.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

Anyway, to unhijack this thread and bring it into the more familiar realm of unsubstantiated rumor, I once heard that the closer you park to Fond du Luth Casino, the likelier you are to be ticketed. That information is at least 10 years old, and whether it's true or not, I have no idea.


about 13 years ago

Barrett, I think that rumor has substance. I parked in front of Temple Opera on a Saturday once a few years ago, did not bother feeding the meter, and got ticketed. Those meter readers are fiends around the casino. But the upside is, it's easy to get quarters to feed the meter when parking nearby.

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