Michele Bachmann’s Tea Party response to the State of the Union Address, take two

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann gives the Tea Party’s State of the Union response another try.


Danny G

about 13 years ago

The prez gives a real stinker of a SOTU, but SNL decides to open its show with a dig at Crazy-eyes McGillicutty's internet-only (and CNN) response.



about 13 years ago

In defense of SNL, it can be really difficult to satirize someone who is such an outrageous cartoon in the first place. You can't out-crazy the crazy in this case.


about 13 years ago

She should be the new image for our state bird -- the loon!

Danny G

about 13 years ago

Holy crap, c-freak!  Why aren't you writing for SNL?


about 13 years ago

Ditto TimK

If anything she was much more subdued than Bachmann, with much less intensity.  She's gotta work on the voice.  Or maybe you have to underplay someone like Bachmann in order for it to stick.


about 13 years ago

To play Bachmann, you must say horrible things through a gigantic smile. Add a huge fake grin to her face, and SNL has it pretty close.


about 13 years ago

TimK said it. I seriously can't tell the difference half the time between the things Palin and Bachmann have really said and done and SNL's spoofs.


about 13 years ago

I saw her in person when she came to town and the crazy is intense. Her followers are downright scary. She also lies. A lot.


about 13 years ago

I saw the spoof first. Watching the real thing later just had me laughing that much harder. I find her version of the 'truth' hilarious. 

I'm glad she's just a blowhard talking-head with more interest in getting on camera than actually achieving her agenda. She certainly makes for good comedy. Perhaps her entire political career is just one extended, satirical performance art piece?


about 13 years ago

According to many economists, Obama's policies significantly helped us avoid a massive worldwide depression.  Obama inherited massive problems, and dealt with them pretty well.

Dick Morris ignores economists to claim spending led us deeper into recession


about 13 years ago

I hope it's still funny when we don't have social security.


about 13 years ago

I don't think anyone under 50 expects to collect social security.


about 13 years ago

I'll say it again, never misunderestimate your opponent... no matter how much bat shit crazy is involved.  If your neighbors can elect Dick and Bush, they could elect Ronald and Grimmas. The problem, is not taking them seriously enough. Especially when they're nutty as Fruit Salad. If they're on national news, they've already made serious headway.  I'm sure there were plenty who thought Hitler and Mao were too batty to take it all the way too. Hitler would've pulled it off, or come real close if he hadn't been so loaded on Amphetamines and killed all his best generals out of paranoia. The optimist in me likes to think people are learning, in baby steps, but the other part of me who lost ten good years to Dick and Bush, knows better.

Bob Loblaw

about 13 years ago

C-freak wrote "She also lies. A lot."

Umm yeah.  That's what politicians do.


about 13 years ago

Totally boring sketch.
Makes me want to go rewatch Studio-60.

@bobloblaw: Bachmann approaches Iowa with trail of misstatements

Politicians are supposed to be either a) good liars (you can't tell they're lying) or b) earnest liars (it's okay because they actually believe the lie). Ms. B doesn't strike me as either. If you're not a good liar, you should not be a successful politician. Which is the scary part about her.


about 13 years ago

@Danny "stinker of a speech"

The speech won nearly universal acclaim (I did not watch) and the president has enjoyed a +3 approval rating since the speech.

Pay attention, or stop spouting nonsense.

Danny G

about 13 years ago


Did you just tell me to "pay attention" right after saying that you didn't watch the speech?

Just checking.


about 13 years ago

Lojo, that is one of the best lines I've heard! Universal acclaim, way too funny! And to top it off, you throw in the 3 point bump. I didn't think it could get any better, and then you threw that one in! It's easy to get a bump in the ratings when you're kissing the toilet, huh? I think a good portion of us tuned in just to see if Pelosi was really gone. Once the anointed one started his vanilla blather, reality set in and it was back to ESPN. 

Bachmann crazy? Anyone who voted for Barrack Hussein needs a full evaluation and then medication to keep them subdued and out of public view, unless of course Bachmann or Palin are making a speech. Then it's fun to have you out and about, so we can see you worm, like a nightcrawler on a piece of hot pavement. There is nothing more humorous than that ... even a good SNL skit.

Here's some glowing "Universal Acclaims":

The New York Times describes Obama's addresss as a "defiant" and "controversial" speech to a "skeptical" audience.

Huffington Post described it having "the feel of being focus-grouped within an inch of its life. There was a decidedly paint-by-poll-numbers air about it."

CNN "found that the chatter on social media sites like Twitter showed that average Americans seem to be overwhelmingly lukewarm about the speech at best, an opinion echoed by other Americans contacted by the AP."

National Review opined that the speech demonstrated that the president has "no real understanding of the political straits in which it finds itself."

The Wall Street Journal interpreted Obama's speech as a call to "stay the course" of his presidency to date, meaning the country is in for a "long year."

Fox News said:  "an incoherent, disorganized, and most regrettably defiant, mess of a speech."

Time called it a "fighting speech."

Ouch. A real "Sputnik" moment, huh? Holy crap will I be happy when he joins Oberstar on the Island of Politcal Ticks.


about 13 years ago

Jim, what did you think when Bush went AWOL during the Vietnam war and couldn't even hack a pilot's job in the reserve, before he went wee wee back to daddy all the way home to become an alcoholic? Or the volumes of books which document his verbal retardation?  What does Fox say about that?  Or his reading abilities akin to a second grade student? Do you know which rehab facility Glen Beck was in before he was anointed Fox's king Baboon? Stick to your guns buddy. We get it, you and five other people think Dick and Bush were the greatest leaders since Jim and Tammy. And the global economic collapse was Clinton's fault wasn't it which is why there was a budget surplus at the end of his 8 years? Who was in charge when 9/11 happened?  How well did the color coated terror alert work for you?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Well, that's about enough of this.

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