DTA Applause

I just realized how awesome the New Year’s changes to the DTA are:

Changes that matter to me:

Route 6: 10:15 p.m. trip added from downtown. Previous schedule: Last bus leaving downtown was 9:15 p.m weekdays.

Route 6: 7:45 p.m., 8:45 p.m., and 9:45 p.m. trips added from downtown. Previous schedule: Last bus from downtown was 6:45 p.m on Saturdays.

Route 7: 8:05 p.m. trip added from downtown. Previous schedule: Last bus from downtown was 7 p.m on Saturdays.

The end result: I can stay at the mall later on the weekends and still get home; I can see a 7 p.m. movie at the DECC on Saturdays and still get home.

Hooray for me. How ’bout you? Check here.


Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

This is awesome, indeed. For me it's an extra hour of downtown shenanigans on weekday nights for an extra 25 cents on the fare, versus $16 for a cab.

On Saturdays it's an extra four hours of shenanigans.


about 14 years ago

Yes!  The new extended schedule is awesome!  I can actually do stuff on Saturday evenings without calling a cab, mooching a ride or walking up the hill to get home!  I was coming home last night a little after 9 p.m. and was very pleased to see about a dozen other people getting on and off the bus, too.


about 14 years ago

Agreed and agreed!  The DTA is great, and I often ran into the problem of it not running late enough weekends.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

I was just discussing with a friend that we didn't do much downtown when we were in collage because of the bus schedule.


about 14 years ago

And I can hang out downtown (or work late) until 8:15 now that the Piedmont bus runs an hour later, not great but better.

All together now: drunk bus! Drunk bus! We want the drunk bus, like other self- and student-respecting college towns have. Is it too much to ask, for post bar-close bus service that runs from Superior, Canal Park and downtown to campus and college neighborhoods?


about 14 years ago

Mojo, the DTA drivers have enough with some riders as it is that expecting them to work even later shifts to drive a bunch of drunks home is a bit much, and actually, riders can be refused for being drunk. Not to mention the bus motion making drunken riders extra apt to puke.

Perhaps get your drink on earlier, drink within walking distance, find/appoint/take turns/volunteer to be a designated driver, or pony up and share a cab (not that cabbies deserve it either.)

Some towns (I've heard for certain holidays/events) and venues offer a drunk bus - IMHO a better way to go, and more the venue's responsibility over the DTA.


about 14 years ago

ruby2sd4y, 24 hour bus service is a reality in cities across the US, as is service well into the late evening.  It's neither exceptional to seek that service nor exceptional to ask people to work it -- especially if there is an overnight shift differential.

We lack the late night venues and/or the late shift work to justify it in Duluth, but the Mayor has plans for us to hit 90,000 -- hopefully, anything is possible for a town that grows in the 21st century!

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