Top 10 Duluth Albums of 2010

What might you all consider the top 10 local albums of the year???

I’ve got a couple I can toss out there:

1. Trampled by Turtles – Palamino
2. The Tisdales – Out With The New
3. Matt Ray & Those Damn Horses – Then and Now
4. Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank – Travelin’ Show (although this might have been released in 2009)
5. Charlie Parr – When The Devil Goes Blind
6. Sara Softich – Highway to the Sun
7. The Half Hearts – After the Flood
8. Marc Gartman – Fatwa
9. The Boomchucks
10. Dead Man Winter – Wolves


Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Travelin' Show was indeed released in 2009. I recommend replacing it with The Moon is Down's Excellent Adventure.

Danny G

about 14 years ago

Danecdote - Danthropology

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Honorable mention to the assload of EPs released by Lion or Gazelle as well as the singles released by Anthony Bennett on Bandcamp.

Not technically albums, but pretty close.


about 14 years ago

Retribution Gospel Choir - 2

Glenn Bearattack

about 14 years ago

Yeah, "Excellent Adventure" is definitely # 1. "Highway to the Sun" is # 2. "The ARMC Presents the Twin Ports" is number 3, despite not being an album by a band. 4-10 are all Iron Maiden's 'Killers.'

Shane Bauer

about 14 years ago

I think Sarah Krueger had a good year.
Fractals - Death By Fender has some good stuff too.


about 14 years ago

Come on come on....don't just list ONE or TWO...let's see your top ten!!


about 14 years ago

Thanks Paul...I'll revise the list AND put them in order from top to bottom:
1. Trampled by Turtles - Palamino
2. Charlie Parr - When The Devil Goes Blind
3. Matt Ray & Those Damn Horses - Then and Now
4. Retribution Gospel Choir - 2
5.Sara Softich - Highway to the Sun
6.Dead Man Winter - Wolves
7. The Half Hearts - After the Flood
8. The Tisdales - Out With The New 
9. The Boomchucks
10.  Marc Gartman - Fatwa

Prove me wrong Duluthians!!! :)


about 14 years ago

and yes, EPs should count (see Dead Mans Winter)


about 14 years ago

Coyote did something this year, right? I liked that. Oh, and Hazeltron had some fun releases too!


about 14 years ago

Marc gartman - dust in the wind


about 14 years ago

It wounds me horrific nobody mentioned them, but hands down, Return of Scrotor by the Fractals, best band in a 1000 mile radius, and best Santa helpers in town tonight!!!


about 14 years ago

Oops, sorry Shane!


about 14 years ago

The half hearts are by far the worst bad I have ever seen. The song writing is just abysmal as is the music.

ms dean

about 14 years ago

My top ten would include many that have already been mentioned, but I would also include James Moors' "Skyline" album.


about 14 years ago

James Moors "Skyline" should definitely be on the list! Why is it missing? 

Also, The Half Hearts album is very special to me! It's the catchiest album on this list next to Trampled by Turtles.

I also think the Fractals should have made an appearance on this list!

Stephen A

about 14 years ago

The Half Hearts are an evolving talented group of musicians. The Half Hearts are attracting new people who bring fabulous diversity to their ensemble. They are the "Uptown Sound" in the Twin Cities metro.


about 14 years ago

Tony Bennett is also evolving. I think he's growing and extra arm.

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