411 WI Point

So, I’m throwing a little shindig on Wisconsin Point Friday, Aug. 27. I have been hearing conflicting reports as to the current state of affairs regarding the 5-0 after dark on WI Point. Does anyone know what the setup is these days? I’ve heard they kick people out (a far cry from “you’re all of age, there’s no glass, you brought your own garbage bags – have a good night, folks!”); that they close the gates; and they have been known to tow cars. Anyone?



about 14 years ago

Definitely verify this, but I think that is beyond the first parking area.  I believe the first one though is okay after hours.


about 14 years ago

Me and few of my friends had some adult beverages, camping, bonfire and like last summer on the beach. I believe it was about 5 or 6 stops inward and had absolutely no run-ins with law enforcement officials. Guess you take a chance, but definitely pack in what you pack out!  There's enough garbage out there already 8)


about 14 years ago

Call the city of Superior to get the exact rules, be of legal age, no glass containers and leave the beach cleaner than you found it.


about 14 years ago

Don't go down the actual Point where the signs are. Follow the road straight past the landfill. This area is not ruled by the 10pm closing time, you can camp. The cops might come by and put something on your car saying that there have been break-ins, but that's it.

On the other hand, be safe and be respectful of the beach. That's just common sense.


about 14 years ago

Mary Morgan is who I would speak with.  I called a couple months ago to inquire about drinking in Billings Park, which is legal.

Mary Morgan,
Ph. (715) 395-7270


about 14 years ago

She's with Parks and Rec.


about 14 years ago

I too remember the "you're all of age, no glass, pack out what you pack in" days.  Heck, even before I was of age, they'd show up and since we were such an unruly bunch they'd leave us be (though we didn't find it necessary to always bring booze so that helped).  *sigh* I hate getting older, now it seems impossible to get the group together and head out there.  Happy bonfire to you, hope the 5-0 cut you some slack!


about 14 years ago

There is no motor vehicle traffic or parking allowed between 11pm and 4am (past lot #1).  No glass containers. There are also no garbage cans, so pack out what you pack in.  I believe if you're "behaving" and of a "mature age" you usually won't be bothered.  At least that's my experience.  Be careful where you build a fire too -- not too close to the vegetation.

greg cougar conley

about 14 years ago

Definitely DO NOT leave ANYTHING valuable in your car at ouisconsing point. I got my wallet and phone stolen out of my car at 6pm while I swam for approximately 40 minutes the week before last.

But, yes, if you drive past the landfill you can be assured a hassle-free time and probably camp the night.

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I think you should be arrested for using the Papyrus font in the ad.


about 14 years ago

Blame Lundgren. I hate that fucking font.


about 14 years ago


Max Caven

about 14 years ago

FWIW, earlier this summer me and some pals were having a little fire at the very end of WI point. No alcohol involved, just some arnold palmer and sunflower seeds. A police officer pulled into the parking lot (the fire was completely visible, we were in the bay type area). And the cop put warnings on all the cars saying the park was closed and the hours it was open.


about 14 years ago

If it is closed, then it is closed.

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